Human Bcl-xL Plasmids

Plasmids encoding wild-type human B-cell lymphoma-extra-large (Bcl-XL), as well as Bcl-xL variants that are targetd to cytosol, mitochondria or endoplasmic reticulum.

Available Plasmids:

  • Bcl-xL (wild-type) - Wild-type human Bcl-xL cDNA cloned into mammalinan pEGFP-C1 vector to generate the plasmid pEGFP-C1-hBcl-xL (wild-type)
  • Bcl-xL (ΔC) - The C-terminal transmembrane sequence of Bcl-xL in pEGFP-C1-hBcl-xL (wild-type) was deleted, which specifically confines Bcl-xL to the cytoplasm
  • Bcl-xL (mitochondria) - The C-terminal transmembrane sequence of Bcl-xL in pEGFP-C1-hBcl-xL (wild-type) was replaced with membrane-targeting sequence of the listerial protein ActA, which specifically targets Bcl-xL at mitochondria
  • Bcl-xL (ER) - The C-terminal transmembrane sequence of Bcl-xL in pEGFP-C1-hBcl-xL (wild-type) was replaced with cytochrome b5 (cb5) membrane-targeting sequence, which directs Bcl-xL specifically at the ER membrane

Bcl-2 protein family member Bcl-xL is a major regulator of cellular apoptotic signaling. Bcl-xL is a transmembrane molecule in the mitochondria and acts as a pro-survival protein by preventing the release of mitochondrial contents such as cytochrome c, which would lead to caspase inactivation. Tissue differentiation and homeostasis are regulated by apoptosis—a tightly controlled cellular suicide program. Dys-regulation of apoptosis has been implicated in many diseases. Evidence indicates that insufficient apoptosis can manifest as cancer or autoimmunity, while accelerated cell death is evident in acute and chronic degenerative diseases and immunodeficiency. Bcl-XL is a major regulator of cellular apoptotic signaling found to be localized at different subcellular compartments Bcl-XL targeted to different organelles are good tools to illustrate how dysregulation of apoptosis is involved in disease development, which could help lead to development of new therapeutic strategies for cancer and other diseases.

From the laboratory of Chi Li, PhD, University of Louisville.

Catalog Number Product DataSheet Size AVAILABILITY Price Qty
pEGFP-C1-hBcl-xL (wild-type) Plasmid
250ng In stock
Regular Price:$82.00
On Sale:
pEGFP-C1-hBcl-xL-ΔC Plasmid
250ng In stock
Regular Price:$82.00
On Sale:
pEGFP-C1-Bcl-xL-Mito Plasmid
250ng In stock
Regular Price:$82.00
On Sale:
pEGFP-C1-Bcl-xL-ER Plasmid
250ng In stock
Regular Price:$82.00
On Sale:

Product Type: Plasmid
Gene/insert name: Bcl-xL (wild-type)
Accession ID: Q07817
Antibiotic Resistance: Kanamycin
Fusion Tag(s): GFP
Grow in E. coli at 37 C: Yes
Selectable markers: Neomycin
Cloning Site 5': BspE1/Klenow
Cloning Site 3': BamHI
Insert Size: 700 bp
Vector Backbone and Size: pEGFP-C1, 4700 bp
High or low copy: High
Storage: -80C
Shipped: Ambient temperature


Human Bcl-xL Plasmids

Gene/Insert Name: Bcl-xL (wild-type) Bcl-xL (?C) Bcl-xL (mitochondria) Bcl-xL (ER)
Insert Size: 700 bp 600 bp 700 bp 700 bp
Species: mammalian transfection mammalian transfection mammalian transfection mammalian transfection
Fusion Proteins/Tags: GFP GFP GFP GFP
Vector Backbone and Size: pEGFP-C1, 4700 bp pEGFP-C1, 4700 bp pEGFP-C1, 4700 bp pEGFP-C1, 4700 bp
Cloning Site 5?: BspE1/Klenow BspE1/Klenow BspE1/Klenow BspE1/Klenow
Cloning Site 3?: BamHI BamHI BamHI BamHI
Antibiotic Resistance: Kanamycin Kanamycin Kanamycin Kanamycin
High or Low Copy: High High High High
Grow in Standard E. coli @ 37C?: Yes Yes Yes Yes
Selectable Markers: Neomycin Neomycin Neomycin Neomycin
Storage: -80C -80C -80C -80C
Shipped: Stab agar at ambient temperature Stab agar at ambient temperature Stab agar at ambient temperature Stab agar at ambient temperature

From the laboratory of Chi Li, PhD, University of Louisville.
  1. Eno CO, Eckenrode EF, Olberding KE, Zhao G, White C, Li C. Distinct roles of mitochondria- and ER-localized Bcl-xL in apoptosis resistance and Ca2+ homeostasis. Mol Biol Cell. 2012 Jul;23(13):2605-18.

If you publish research with this product, please let us know so we can cite your paper.
