Rat Cerebellar Granule Cell Line (Cb-E1A)

Cb-E1A cell line from postnatal day 7 rat cerebellar granule cells that were immortalized with the 12S E1A adenovirus gene.


  • Excellent model system for differentiated cerebellar granule neurons
  • Express higher levels of neuronal markers (neurofilament and neuron-specific enolase) under depolarizing conditions
  • Demonstrate glutamate immunoreactivity and are sensitive to glutamate toxicity
  • Posses neomycin resistance and immunoreactivity to 12S E1A

Granule cells of the cerebellum are among the smallest neurons in the brain as well as the most abundant. They account for about 3/4 of the brain's neurons. Granule cells receive excitatory input from mossy fibers (major imputs to the cerebellum) originating from pontine nuclei.

From the laboratory of Janet Holliday, PhD, University of Rochester.

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Rat Cerebellar Granule Cell Line (Cb-E1A)
1 vial In stock
Regular Price:$953.00
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Product Type: Cell Line
Name: Cb-E1A
Cell Type: Immortalized rat cerebellar granule cell line
Accession ID: CVCL_HB81
Morphology: Depends on culture conditions: usually flat but can be induced to round up with small process outgrowth in depolarizing medium (containing 30 mM KCl without added serum, see Seigel GM, et al. Neuroscience. 1996 Sep;74(2):511-8.); adherent monolayer on PDL-coated tissue culture dishes
Source: Postnatal day 7 rat cerebellar granular cells
Organism: Rat
Biosafety Level: BSL1
Subculturing: Before confluency: mild trypsinization (0.25 mg/ml for 5min) and re-plated 1:3 dilution
Growth Conditions: Dulbecco's modified Eagle's medium containing 10% fetal calf serum
Cryopreservation: 10% DMSO in growth medium
Storage: Liquid nitrogen
Shipped: Dry ice

From the laboratory of Janet Holliday, PhD, University of Rochester.
  1. Seigel GM, Rollins J, Mhyre TR, Poles T, Fideli U, Holliday J. Immortalized cerebellar cells can be induced to display mature neuronal characteristics. Neuroscience. 1996 Sep;74(2):511-8.

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