Timothy S. McClintock, PhD, University of Kentucky

Timothy S. McClintock, PhD

Research interests in the McClintock laboratory include studying the olfactory system. His lab investigates the molecular physiology of both of these processes, but current emphases are on the function and pharmacology of the odorant receptors.





  1. Hollins B, Hardin B, Gimelbrant AA, McClintock TS. 2003. Olfactory-Enriched transcripts are cell-specific markers in the lobster olfactory organ. The Journal of Comparative Neurology 455:125-138.
  2. Ruben S, Hollins B, Brock SE, McClintock TS. 2004. Primary Culture of lobster (Homarus americanus) olfactory sensory neurons. Chem. Senses 29: 179-187.
  3. Xu F, Bose SC, McClintock TS. Lobster G-protein coupled receptor kinase that associates with membranes and G(beta) in response to odorants and neurotransmitters. J Comp Neurol. 1999;415(4):449-459.
  4. Xu F, McClintock TS. A lobster phospholipase C-beta that associates with G-proteins in response to odorants. J Neurosci. 1999;19(12):4881-4888.