pA-B(D1080A)-CD RecBCD Expression Plasmid

This plasmid expresses a set of plasma borne genes that encode a nuclease-deficient mutant form of the bacterial enzyme RecBCD, which unwinds double-stranded DNA very rapidly and with high processivity.


  • Encodes an Asp-1080-to-Ala mutation in the RecB subunit - Abolishes the nuclease activity, but retains rapid and processive helicase activity.

RecBCD (EC, Exonuclease V, Escherichia coli exonuclease V, E. coli exonuclease V, gene recBC endoenzyme, RecBC deoxyribonuclease, gene recBC DNase, gene recBCD enzymes) is an enzyme of the E. coli bacterium that initiates recombinational repair from potentially lethal double strand breaks in DNA which may result from ionizing radiation, replication errors, endonucleases, oxidative damage, and a host of other factors. The RecBCD enzyme is both a helicase that unwinds, or separates the strands of DNA, and a nuclease that makes single-stranded nicks in DNA.

From the laboratory of Douglas A. Julin, PhD, University of Maryland, College Park.

Catalog Number Product DataSheet Size AVAILABILITY Price Qty
pA-B(D1080A)-CD RecBCD Expression Plasmid
1ug spotted on filter paper In stock
Regular Price:$82.00
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Product Type: Plasmid
Name: thyA-recC-ptrIII-recB-recD-argA (E. coli)
Accession ID: P08394, P04993, P07648
Organism: E. coli
Antibiotic Resistance: Chloramphenicol
Fusion Tag(s): None
Grow in E. coli at 37 C: Yes
Selectable markers: Chloramphenicol
Cloning Site 5': BamHI
Cloning Site 3': BamHI
5' Sequencing Primer: 18,344 bp
3' Sequencing Primer: pACYC184, 4,258 bp
Insert Size: Low
Shipped: Ambient temperature

From the laboratory of Douglas A. Julin, PhD, University of Maryland, College Park.
  1. Yu M, Souaya J, Julin DA. Identification of the nuclease active site in the multifunctional RecBCD enzyme by creation of a chimeric enzyme. J Mol Biol. 1998 Nov 6;283(4):797-808. PubMed PMID: 9790841.

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