pGL3-Gpr177_1 Plasmid

pGL3-Gpr177_1 plasmid is a vector encoding the mammalian homologue of Drosophilia Wntless and can be used to transfect cells and use luciferase to monitor Wntless promoter activity.


  • Contains the promoter region from base pairs -3000 to +55 in front of the luciferase gene
  • Uses luciferase to monitor promoter activity

Gpr177 is the mammalian homologue of Drosophila Wntless (Wls; aka Evi, Srt) is required for Wnt secretion in Wnt-producing cells. Wntless binds to lipid modified Wnts, and is mainly localized in the Golgi and trafficking vesicles to modulates intracellular sorting of Wnt proteins. It has been demonstrated that genetic inactivation of Wntless in mice causes similar defects to the loss of canonical Wnt as well as non-canonical Wnt signaling. However, the loss of Wntless does not affect Wnt expression but Wnt secretion in the signal-producing cells. Wntless is also associated with the retromer complex to recycle Wnt from the plasma membrane. The expression pattern of Wntless provides critical information for Wnt-producing cells and source of Wnt in development and disease. The pBSSK-Gpr177 plasmid can generate RNA sense and anti-sense probe to detect Wntless/Gpr177 expression in various tissues, e.g. primitive streak, hippocampus, midbrain, choroid plexus, thalamus, spinal cord, tooth, tongue, palate, hair follicle, inner ear, olfactory epithelium, eye, muscle, nerve, salivary gland, kidney, lung, thymus, esophagus, duodenum, by in situ hybridization.

From the laboratory of Wei Hsu, PhD, University of Rochester.

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pGL3-Gpr177_1 Plasmid
spotted on filter paper Currently unavailable
Regular Price:$82.00
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Product Type: Plasmid
Gene/insert name: Wntless/Gpr177 promoter -3000~+55
Accession ID: Q5T9L3
Antibiotic Resistance: Amp
Fusion Tag(s): Luciferase reporter
Grow in E. coli at 37 C: Yes
Selectable markers: Amp
Cloning Site 5': Xhol
Cloning Site 3': HindIII
Insert Size: 3055 bp
Vector Backbone and Size: 4818
High or low copy: High
Storage: -20C
Shipped: Ambient temperature

From the laboratory of Wei Hsu, PhD, University of Rochester.
  1. Fu J, Jiang M, Mirando AJ, Yu HM, Hsu W. "Reciprocal regulation of Wnt and Gpr177/mouse Wntless is required for embryonic axis formation." Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 2009 Nov 3; 106(44):18598-603.
  2. Bänziger C, Soldini D, Schütt C, Zipperlen P, Hausmann G, Basler K. “Wntless, a conserved membrane protein dedicated to the secretion of Wnt proteins from signaling cells.” Cell. 2006 May 5;125(3):509-22.
  3. Bartscherer K, Pelte N, Ingelfinger D, Boutros M. “Secretion of Wnt ligands requires Evi, a conserved transmembrane protein.” Cell. 2006 May 5;125(3):523-33.
  4. Yu HM, Jin Y, Fu J, Hsu W. "Expression of Gpr177, a Wnt trafficking regulator, in mouse embryogenesis." Developmental dynamics : an official publication of the American Association of Anatomists. 2010 Jul; 239(7):2102-9.
  5. Fu J, Ivy Yu HM, Maruyama T, Mirando AJ, Hsu W. "Gpr177/mouse Wntless is essential for Wnt-mediated craniofacial and brain development." Developmental dynamics : an official publication of the American Association of Anatomists. 2011 Feb; 240(2):365-71. Epub 2011 Jan 11.
  6. Fu J, Hsu W. "Epidermal Wnt controls hair follicle induction by orchestrating dynamic signaling crosstalk between the epidermis and dermis." The Journal of investigative dermatology. 2013 Apr; 133(4):890-8.
  7. Maruyama T, Jiang M, Hsu W. "Gpr177, a novel locus for bone mineral density and osteoporosis, regulates osteogenesis and chondrogenesis in skeletal development." Journal of bone and mineral research : the official journal of the American Society for Bone and Mineral Research. 2013 May; 28(5):1150-9.
  8. 8. Maruyama EO, Yu HM, Jiang M, Fu J, Hsu W. "Gpr177 deficiency impairs mammary development and prohibits Wnt-induced tumorigenesis." PloS one. 2013 8(2):e56644.
  9. Zhu X, Zhao P, Liu Y, Zhang X, Fu J, Yu HM, Qiu M, Chen Y, Hsu W, Zhang Z. "Intra-epithelial requirement of canonical Wnt signaling for tooth morphogenesis." The Journal of biological chemistry. 2013 Apr 26; 288(17):12080-9.
  10. Zhu XJ, Liu Y, Dai ZM, Zhang X, Yang X, Li Y, Qiu M, Fu J, Hsu W, Chen Y, Zhang Z. "BMP-FGF signaling axis mediates Wnt-induced epidermal stratification in developing mammalian skin." PLoS genetics. 2014 Oct; 10(10):e1004687.
  11. Pan CL, Baum PD, Gu M, Jorgensen EM, Clark SG, Garriga G. “C. elegans AP-2 and retromer control Wnt signaling by regulating mig-14/Wntless.” Dev Cell. 2008 Jan;14(1):132-9.
  12. Yang PT, Lorenowicz MJ, Silhankova M, Coudreuse DY, Betist MC, Korswagen HC. “Wnt signaling requires retromer-dependent recycling of MIG-14/Wntless in Wnt-producing cells.” Dev Cell. 2008 Jan;14(1):140-7.
  13. Belenkaya TY, Wu Y, Tang X, Zhou B, Cheng L, Sharma YV, Yan D, Selva EM, Lin X. “The retromer complex influences Wnt secretion by recycling wntless from endosomes to the trans-Golgi network.” Dev Cell. 2008 Jan;14(1):120-31.
  14. Port F, Kuster M, Herr P, Furger E, Bänziger C, Hausmann G, Basler K. “Wingless secretion promotes and requires retromer-dependent cycling of Wntless.” Nat Cell Biol. 2008 Feb;10(2):178-85.
  15. Franch-Marro X, Wendler F, Guidato S, Griffith J, Baena-Lopez A, Itasaki N, Maurice MM, Vincent JP. “Wingless secretion requires endosome-to-Golgi retrieval of Wntless/Evi/Sprinter by the retromer complex.” Nat Cell Biol. 2008 Feb;10(2):170-7.
  16. Stefater JA 3rd, Lewkowich I, Rao S, Mariggi G, Carpenter AC, Burr AR, Fan J, Ajima R, Molkentin JD, Williams BO, Wills-Karp M, Pollard JW, Yamaguchi T, Ferrara N, Gerhardt H, Lang RA. “Regulation of angiogenesis by a non-canonical Wnt-Flt1 pathway in myeloid cells.” Nature. 2011 May 29;474(7352):511-5.

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