Dihydrolanosterol (d7 isotope)

Isotopically labeled sterol for quantitation.

From the laboratory of Ned A. Porter, PhD and Keri A. Tallman, PhD, Vanderbilt University.

Catalog Number Product DataSheet Size AVAILABILITY Price Qty
Dihydrolanosterol (d7 isotope)
1mg In stock
Regular Price:$361.00
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Product Type: Small Molecule
Name: Dihydrolanosterol-25,26,26,26,27,27,27-d7
Chemical Formula: C30H45D7O
Source: synthetic
Molecular Weight: 435.79
Format: white powder
Purity: >95%, NMR
Solubility: CHCl3, THF, benzene
Isotopic Purity: 98%
Mass Shift: m/z 7
Storage: -20C
Shipped: Ambient temperature

From the laboratory of Ned A. Porter, PhD and Keri A. Tallman, PhD, Vanderbilt University.
  1. The Effect of Small Molecules on Sterol Homeostasis: Measuring 7-Dehydrocholesterol in Dhcr7-Deficient Neuro2a Cells and Human Fibroblasts. Korade, Z.; Kim, H.-Y. H.; Tallman, K. A.; Liu, W.; Koczok, K.; Balogh, I.; Xu, L.; Mirnics, K.; Porter, N. A. J. Medicinal Chemistry 2016, 59, 1102.
  2. A highly sensitive method for analysis of 7-dehydrocholesterol for the study of Smith-Lemli-Opitz syndrome. Liu, W.; Xu, L.; Lamberson, C.; Haas, D.; Korade, Z.; Porter, N. A. J. Lipid Research 2014, 55, 329.
  3. Kanuri B, Fong V, Ponny SR, Tallman KA, Ramachandra Rao S, Porter NA, Fliesler SJ, Patel SB. Generation and validation of a conditional knockout mouse model for the study of the Smith-Lemli-Opitz Syndrome. J Lipid Res. 2020 Nov 17:jlr.RA120001101. View article
  4. Korade Z, Allen LB, Anderson A, Tallman KA, Genaro-Mattos TC, Porter NA, Mirnics K. Trazodone effects on developing brain. Transl Psychiatry. 2021 Feb 1;11(1):85. View article 

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