
Oxidation product of 7-dehydrocholesterol.

From the laboratory of Ned A. Porter, PhD and Keri A. Tallman, PhD, Vanderbilt University.

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Product Type: Small Molecule
Name: 5α, 6α-epoxy-7-dehydrocholesterol
Chemical Formula: C27H44O2
Source: synthetic
Molecular Weight: 400.65
Format: white powder, shipped under an atmosphere of argon
Purity: >95%, NMR
Solubility: CHCl3, THF, benzene
Spectral Information: 1H, 13C NMR
Comments: susceptible to hydrolysis
Storage: -80C
Shipped: Dry ice

From the laboratory of Ned A. Porter, PhD and Keri A. Tallman, PhD, Vanderbilt University.
  1. Korade Z, Genaro-Mattos TC, Tallman KA, Liu W, Garbett KA, Koczok K, Balogh I, Mirnics K, Porter NA. Vulnerability of DHCR7+/- mutation carriers to aripiprazole and trazodone exposure. J Lipid Res. 2017 Sep 28. pii: jlr.M079475. View Article
  2. Wages PA, Kim HH, Korade Z, Porter NA. Identification and Characterization of Prescription Drugs that Change Levels of the Cholesterol Precursors 7 Dehydrocholesterol and Desmosterol. View Article
  3. Genaro-Mattos TC, Allen LB, Anderson A, Tallman KA, Porter NA, Korade Z, Mirnics K. Maternal aripiprazole exposure interacts with 7-dehydrocholesterol reductase mutations and alters embryonic neurodevelopment. Mol Psychiatry. 2019 Apr;24(4):491-500. View Article

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