Thy-1 Positive Rat Fibroblasts

Purified primary endo-/peri-neurial Thy-1 cell surface antigen positive fibroblasts from adult rat sciatic nerve.


  • Express high levels of cell surface Thy-1 membrane glycoprotein
  • Lack of expression of Schwann cell-specific markers such as S-100beta, GFAP (glial fibrillary acidic protein), O4, O1, and p75NGFR (low affinity neurotrophin receptor)
  • Highly proliferative - Thawing and re-plating Thy-1 positive fibroblasts does not alter viability or other phenotypic characteristics
  • Homogeneous populations - Purified by magnetic-activated cell sorting

Primary cultures of Thy-1 positive fibroblasts can be used in a variety of applications, as it is becoming increasingly clear that peripheral nerve fibroblasts have a role in nerve regeneration by promoting neurite outgrowth and Schwann cell migration through secretion of growth factors such as neuregulin and the expression of extracellular matrix proteins. Because Thy-1 positive fibroblasts are the main source of contaminating cells in Schwann cell cultures, they can be used as negative or reference controls in all Schwann cell studies performed in vitro and in vivo. The availability of highly viable, cryopreserved stocks of purified primary fibroblasts can enable investigators and other potentially interested parties (e.g. biotech/pharmaceutical companies) to use the cells themselves or the products derived therefrom (such as DNA/RNA, proteins, exosomes, other) directly in scientific research and/or as platforms for drug/genetic screens.

From the laboratory of Paula V. Monje, PhD, University of Miami.

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Thy-1 Positive Rat Fibroblasts
1 vial In stock
Regular Price:$834.00
On Sale:

Product Type: Cell Line
Cell Type: Purified primary Thy-1 positive fibroblasts from adult rat sciatic nerve tissue
Accession ID: P04216
Organism: Rat - 3 months old female
Source: Sciatic nerve
Morphology: Expanded, adherent - Typical fibroblastic morphology
Biosafety Level: BSL-1
Growth Conditions: DMEM high glucose containing 10 % decomplemented fetal bovine serum (FBS) and GlutamaxTM. Addition of antibiotics (penicillin, streptomycin, and gentamicin) does not impair viability
Subculturing: 2-3 additional passages (recommended) - Extensive passaging may be possible but the effect on cell stability upon expansion has not been tested
Cryopreservation: RecoveryTM or 90% FBS containing 10% DMSO
Comments: - Exhibit typical features of cultured fibroblasts,though some heterogeneity in both shape and size may be apparent.
- Cells have a tendency to migrate and form aggregates when plated at high densities or after reaching confluency. Extended passage may be limited by senescence after 3-4 rounds of subculture in serum-containing medium. The effect of extended passaging on these populations has not been tested. Other properties of the cells have not yet been investigated.
Storage: Liquid nitrogen
Shipped: Dry Ice


Microscopy Image

Low magnification image of MACS-purified rat fibroblasts. Cultures are nearly 100% fibroblasts based on immunostaining with Thy-1 monoclonal antibodies. Green channel: cell surface Thy-1 expression; blue channel: DAPI (nuclear stain).

Adapted from: Andersen et al. Scientific Reports 6, 31781.

From the laboratory of Paula V. Monje, PhD, University of Miami.
  1. Andersen N, Srinivas S, Piñero G, Monje P.V. (2016) A rapid and versatile method for the isolation, purification and cryogenic storage of Schwann cells from adult rodent nerves. Scientific Reports 6, 31781; doi: 10.1038/srep31781.

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