Mito-RealThiol (MitoRT) Mitochondrial Glutathione (GSH) Probe

Mito RealThiol (MitoRT) provides ratiometric fluorescent readout for quantification of mitochondrial GSH in live mammalian cells.


  • MitoRT is cell permeable and preferentially accumulated in mitochondria
  • Conveniently compare mitochondrial GSH levels in live cells using confocal microscopy, and FACS
  • Signals from blue and green channels allow for deduction of mitochondrial GSH concentration, given an appropriate calibration curve

Subcellular detection and localization of GSH is important in understanding the modulation of redox status, the effect of drugs, and the mechanisms of detoxification. Furthermore, differences in GSH levels in response to oxidative stress in subpopulations of cells have been reported, underscoring the importance of detection methods amenable to flow cytometry and automated fluorescence detection.

From the laboratory of Jin Wang, PhD, Baylor College of Medicine.

Catalog Number Product DataSheet Size AVAILABILITY Price Qty
Mito-RealThiol (MitoRT) Mitochondrial Glutathione (GSH) Probe
50nmol Currently unavailable
Regular Price:$247.00
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Product Type: Small Molecule
Name: Mito-RealThiol (MitoRT)
Chemical Formula: C38H35BrN3O3P
Molecular Weight: 692.59
Format: Red to orange solid (Lyophilized powder in tubes)
Purity: >97%, HPLC
Tested Applications: 1 µM for cell staining
Solubility: DI Water (DO NOT dissolve in DMSO)
Spectral Information: Ex/Em: MitoRT: 488/565; MitoRT-GSH: 405/488
Platform: Confocal microscopy/FACS
Compatible Cells: Mammalian cells e.g. HeLa, HT1080
Detection Method: Fluorescence
Comments: - Dilute stock with imaging buffer.
- A laser-based light source is preferred for best results.
Storage: -80C
Shipped: Ambient Temperature

From the laboratory of Jin Wang, PhD, Baylor College of Medicine.
  1. Jianwei Chen, Xiqian Jiang, Chengwei Zhang, Kevin R. MacKenzie, Fabio Stossi, Timothy Palzkill, Meng C. Wang, and Jin Wang*, "Reversible Reaction-Based Fluorescent Probe for Real-Time Imaging of Glutathione Dynamics in Mitochondria", ACS Sensors, 2017, ASAP.
  2. Jiang X, Chen J, Wang MC, Wang J. Glutathione Quantification in Live Cells with Real-Time Imaging and Flow Cytometry. STAR Protoc. 2020 Nov 14;1(3):100170. View Article

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