MS4A4A-HA Expressing BJAB Cell Line

BJAB cells expressing hemagglutinin (HA)-Membrane-Spanning 4-Domains, Subfamily A, Member 4A (MS4A4A).


  • Cells express HA and MS4A4A

MS4A (membrane-spanning 4-domain family, subfamily A) is a large family of proteins that includes at least 26 members in mouse and humans. Flanked by amino- and carboxyl- cytoplasmic regions, MS4A family members contain four highly conserved transmembrane domains connected by short extracellular and cytoplasmic loops. CD20, the most well-known MS4A family member, is a B-cell-specific molecule associated with the B cell antigen receptor and functions in receptor-activated calcium influx. Several other MS4A family members are likely to be components of oligomeric cell surface complexes involved in signal transduction in diverse cell lineages.

From the laboratory of Julie P. Deans, PhD, University of Calgary.

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MS4A4A-HA Expressing BJAB Cell Line
1 vial In stock
Regular Price:$474.00
On Sale:

Product Type: Cell Line
Name: BJAB
Cell Type: Lymphoid
Accession ID: Q96JQ5, CVCL_VE00
Source: Patient with Burkitt’s lymphoma
Organism: Human
Morphology: Typical lymphoid
Biosafety Level: BSL 2
Growth Conditions: RPMI 10% FBS, 0.5mg/mL G418
Cryopreservation: 10% DMSO and 90% FBS
Comments: Human MS4A4A-HA construct was expressed by transfection, with selection using G418.
Storage: LN2
Shipped: Dry Ice

From the laboratory of Julie P. Deans, PhD, University of Calgary.

  1. Sanyal R, Polyak MJ, Zuccolo J, Puri M, Deng L, Roberts L, Zuba A, Storek J, Luider JM, Sundberg EM, Mansoor A, Baigorri E, Chu MP, Belch AR, Pilarski LM, Deans JP. MS4A4A: a novel cell surface marker for M2 macrophages and plasma cells. Immunol Cell Biol. 2017 Aug;95(7):611-619.

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