Anti-DMPO [N1664A] Antibody

This mouse IgG monoclonal antibody was generated against (DMPO), and recognizes DMPO-free thiol radicals.


  • Immunologically assess imaging and quantification of protein and DNA free radicals
  • When DMPO is present at the time that free radicals are generated, DMPO will trap those free radicals and will become covalently bound to the oxidized biomolecule
  • Proteins and DNA can be easily isolated, immobilized and separated using standard techniques (gel electrophoresis, Western blotting, ELISA, cell fixation and permeabilization), before immunological detection of free radicals via the anti-DMPO monoclonal mouse antibody
  • Suitable for Western Blot, ELISA, and Immunocytochemistry/Immunofluorescence applications

Proteins and DNA can be easily isolated, immobilized and separated using standard techniques (gel electrophoresis, Western blotting, ELISA, cell fixation and permeabilization), before immunological detection of free radicals via the anti-DMPO monoclonal mouse antibody.

From the laboratory of Ronald P. Mason, PhD, National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences/NIH.

Catalog Number Product DataSheet Size AVAILABILITY Price Qty
Anti-DMPO [N1664A] Antibody
100ug Currently unavailable
Regular Price:$355.00
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Product Type: Antibody
Antigen: DMPO (5,5-Dimethyl-1-pyrroline N-oxide)
Accession ID: CAS 3317-61-1
Molecular Weight: N/A, molecular weight of DMPO = 113.16 g/mol
Isotype: IgG
Clone Name: N1664A
Reactivity: All species
Immunogen: DMPO-octanoic acid conjugated to albumin
Species Immunized: Mouse
Epitope: DMPO
Purification Method: Protein G affinity chromatography
Method Used to Determine Concentration: Absorbance at 280 nm (Abs of 1.35 = 1 mg/mL)
Buffer: PBS (8 g/L NaCl, 0.2 g/L KCl, 1.15 g Na2HPO4.7H2O and 0.2 g/L KH2PO4, pH 7.4) with 0.02% azide and 10% glycerol.
Tested Applications: WB 10 μg/mL, ELISA 10 μg/mL, ICC/IF 10 μg/mL
Concentration: 0.45 mg/mL
Comments: Biological or in vitro samples must have DMPO present when free radicals were expected to be generated. The antibody is not indicated for immunoprecipitation.
Storage: +4C
Shipped: Cold packs

From the laboratory of Ronald P. Mason, PhD, National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences/NIH.
  • ELISA/western; 5-10 ug/ml [2°; 1:5000-1:20,000]
  • Block and 1° and 2° Abs in 1% casein* in PBS
  • IP; see Chatterjee et al. 2009. FRBM 46:454–461, DO NOT attach mAb to matrix because this greatly reduces yield Confocal; 10 ug/ml [2°; 1:1000]

*Make up 1% casein/PBS by adding 10 gr casein to 100 ml 10 X PBS, bring up to 1 L with diH2O. Can stir overnight at 4 C to completely solubilize. Aliquot and freeze at -20 C.

  1. Mason RP. Using anti-5,5-dimethyl-1-pyrroline N-oxide (anti-DMPO) to detect protein radicals in time and space with immuno-spin trapping. Free Radic Biol Med. 2004 May 15;36(10):1214-23.
  2. Ramirez DC, Mason RP. Immuno-spin trapping: detection of protein-centered radicals. Curr Protoc Toxicol. 2005 Jun;Chapter 17:Unit 17.7.
  3. Ramirez DC, Mejiba SE, Mason RP. Immuno-spin trapping of DNA radicals. Nat Methods. 2006 Feb;3(2):123-7.

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