pFA6A-GFP-ura4MX6 Plasmid

The pFA6A-GFP-ura4MX6 plasmid is used to perform genomic GFP-tagging to express a C-terminally GFP-fused protein in the fission yeast Schizosaccharomyces pombe.


  • A shuttle plasmid that can be propagated in E. coli and S. pombe
  • Useful to facilitate imaging analyses of proteins

Schizosaccharomyces pombe, also called "fission yeast", is a species of yeast used in traditional brewing and as a model organism in molecular and cell biology. Green fluorescent protein (GFP), a 27 kDa protein derived from the jellyfish Aequorea victoria, emits green light (emission peak at a wavelength of 509 nm) when excited byblue light (excitation peak at a wavelength of 395 nm). Green Fluorescent Protein (GFP) has become an invaluable tool in cell biology research, since its intrinsic fluorescence can be visualized in living cells.

From the laboratory of Eishi Noguchi, PhD, Drexel University.

Catalog Number Product DataSheet Size AVAILABILITY Price Qty
pFA6A-GFP-ura4MX6 Plasmid
250ng In stock
Regular Price:$82.00
On Sale:

Product Type: Plasmid
Gene/insert name: ura4MX6
Antibiotic Resistance: Ampicillin
Fusion Tag(s): GFP
Grow in E. coli at 37 C: Yes
Selectable markers: Ampicillin for E. coli; ura4 for S. pombe
Cloning Site 5': PmeI
Cloning Site 3': BglII
Insert Size: 1769 bp
Vector Backbone and Size: 3447 bp
High or low copy: High copy in E. coli
Comments: Kan in pFA6a-GFP-kanMX (Bähler et al, Yeast. 1998 Jul, 14(10):943-51.) was replaced with ura4.
Storage: -20C
Shipped: Room Temperature

From the laboratory of Eishi Noguchi, PhD, Drexel University.

  1. Gadaleta MC, Iwasaki O, Noguchi C, Noma K, Noguchi E. New vectors for epitope tagging and gene disruption in Schizosaccharomyces pombe. Biotechniques. 2013 Nov;55(5):257-63.

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