BioGraphene Gr-SA

High concentration dispersion of graphene nanoplatelets stabilized in a bovine serum albumin (SA) solution for use in biological applications.


  • Produced without chemical treatment or post modification
  • Nanoplatelets are about 5-6 layers, 0.5 µm sized sheets
  • Little or no oxidative defects as seen using Raman spectroscopy

From the laboratory of C. Vijaya Kumar, PhD, University of Connecticut.

Catalog Number Product DataSheet Size AVAILABILITY Price Qty
BioGraphene Gr-SA
50mL (5 mg/mL) In stock
Regular Price:$160.00
On Sale:

Product Type: Small Molecule
Particle Morphology: Thin sheets
Functionalization: surface protein amine and carboxyl groups
Internal Contents: Protein, carbon
Format: aqueous solution
Concentration: 5mg/mL
Size Distribution: ±0.2um
Mean Diameter: 0.5um
Nanoparticle Consistency: Uniform
Comments: Refractive index = 1.35
Storage: -20C; stir before use
Shipped: Cold packs


Raman Spectroscopy and Stability Analyses

(Left) Raman spectrum of biographene (purple line) is compared with graphite (black) shows increase in intensity of D band (~1350 cm-1), D' band (~1625 cm-1), and increase in 2D-30 cm-1 shoulder intensity, characteristic of 4-6 layer graphene. (Right) Stability of washed Graphene-SA (most of the protein is removed) as well as unwashed Graphene-SA, at 4˚C. The washed graphene-SA sample is stable for more than 30 days at 4˚C and the half-life is estimated to be about 115 days at 4 ˚C. Commercial sample is the washed sample.

Transmission Electron Microscopy Images of Graphene-SA Sheets

(Left) Shows a jagged few-layered sheet, about 0.6 µm in length. (Right) The sheet appears folded on itself and is transparent, indicating very few layers.

Conductivity Measurements

(A) Representative SEM images of the graphene-SA-coated paper confirming the presence of bound graphene. (B) Conductivity of the paper is illustrated by using the paper in an LED circuit. (C) Conductivity of the graphene-SA-paper was measured using a 4 probe system and a steady current was observed from 0 V to 40 V. Conductivity was calculated to be 32,000 S/m.

From the laboratory of C. Vijaya Kumar, PhD, University of Connecticut.

If you publish research with this product, please let us know so we can cite your paper.
