pBG210 Recombinant Sindbis Virus Expression Plasmid – Gateway Compatible

Recombinant plasmid pBG210 containing Sindbis virus (SINV) allows for fast gene of interest addition with Gateway recombination.


  • Contains a Gateway recombination cassette to allow for efficient addition of genes of interest behind 3’ subgenomic promoter

The entire Sindbis virus genome was inserted into the pcDNA3.1 Zeo+ expression vector such that the transcription start site of the CMV promoter overlaps with the first viral nucleotide of the viral genome. A Hepatitis D virus (HDV) ribozyme was added to the 3' end of the viral genomic 35bp polyA sequence. A Gateway recombination cassette is present behind the 3' subgenomic promoter to allow genes of interest in pDONR plasmids to be easily inserted into the replicon. Transfection of Gateway recombined versions of construct into mammalian cells produces a self-replicating Sindbis virus genome that expresses the genes of interest that will be expressed only when the virus genome is replicated. Transfection of Gateway recombined variants of this construct into mammalian cells produces an infectious self-replicating Sindbis virus genome that can express genes of interest in vitro or in vivo.

From the laboratory of Brian J. Geiss, PhD, Colorado State University.

Catalog Number Product DataSheet Size AVAILABILITY Price Qty
pBG210 Recombinant Sindbis Virus Expression Plasmid – Gateway Compatible
250ng (50ng/uL) In stock
Regular Price:$82.00
On Sale:

Product Type: Plasmid
Gene/insert name: Sindbis virus replicon
Organism: Sindbis Virus Strain TE3'2J (AR339)
Antibiotic Resistance: Amp/chloramphenciol
Grow in E. coli at 37 C: DB3.1 or similar ccdB Survival E. Coli Cells prior to Gateway Recombination, DH5-alpha or XL10-Gold E-coli after Gateway Recombination, 37C
Cloning Site 5': MluI
Cloning Site 3': XhoI
Insert Size: 12,169 bp
Vector Backbone and Size: pcDNA3.1 Zeo+
High or low copy: High
Storage: Room Temperature (Dried), -20C (liquid)
Shipped: Room Temperature

From the laboratory of Brian J. Geiss, PhD, Colorado State University.
  1. Geiss BJ, Shimonkevitz LH, Sackal CI, Olson KE. Recombination-ready Sindbis replicon expression vectors for transgene expression. Virol J. 2007 Oct 26;4:112.PubMed PMID: 17963504; PubMed Central PMCID: PMC2164957.

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