Anti-Human Serum Albumin [3B8-H3-G1, HSA-1] Antibody, 200ug

This mouse IgG1 monoclonal antibody was generated against human serum albumin (HSA), and is specific for human serum albumin.


  • Specific for human serum albumin
  • Tested and DOES NOT react with chimpanzee, bovine, deer, dog, goat, gorilla, horse, orangutan, porcine, rabbit, rat, turkey, hamster, cat, raccoon, antelope, mule deer, elk, guinea pig, mouse, or sheep serum albumin
  • Capable of detecting amounts as low as 30 ng/mL of albumin by ELISA
  • Highly specific tool for identifying blood, tissues, and other body fluids as human in origin

Human serum albumin is the most abundant protein in human blood plasma (about one half of all protein).  Albumin plays a role in the transport of fatty acids, hormones, and other compounds, the regulation of pH, and the maintenance of osmotic pressure.

From a laboratory at University of Virginia.

The Investigator's Annexe Part of The Investigator's Annexe program.

Catalog Number Product DataSheet Size AVAILABILITY Price Qty
Anti-Human Serum Albumin [3B8-H3-G1, HSA-1] Antibody, 200ug
200ug In stock
Regular Price:$386.00
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Product Type: Antibody
Antigen: Anti-Human Serum Albumin (HSA-1)
Accession ID: P02768
Isotype: IgG1
Clonality: Monoclonal
Clone Name: 3B8-H3-G1
Reactivity: Reactive against human only. Negative results from tests with chimpanzee, bovine, deer, dog, goat, gorilla, horse, orangutan, porcine, rabbit, rat, turkey, hamster, cat, raccoon, antelope, mule deer, elk, guinea pig, mouse, or sheep serum albumin.
Immunogen: Generated against human serum albumin
Species Immunized: Mouse
Purification Method: Protein G
Buffer: 10mM PBS (pH 7.4), 1mM CaCl2, 0.5mM MgCl2, 0.02% Sodium Azide
Tested Applications: WB, ELISA
Concentration: see product vial for concentration
Storage: -20C
Shipped: Cold packs


Results of ELISA showing monoclonal antibodies specific for human albumin (type A) and those specific for primates (type B).

Results of ELISA showing monoclonal antibodies specific for human albumin (type A) and those specific for primates (type B).

The plate was divided in half (rows 1-6 and 7-12 comprising two groups) and purified albumins from 20 different species were used to coat the wells in duplicate prior to assay; the left and right sides of the plate were coated identically. Albumins were coated as follows: A1,B1,A7,B7= human; Cl,Dl,C7,D7=gorilla; El,Fl,E7,F7=orangutan; G1,H1,G7,H7= chimpanzee; A2,B2,A8,B8=deer; C2,D2,C8,D8=mule deer; E2,F2,E8,F8=elk; G2,H2,G8,H8=antelope; A3,B3,A9,B9=cat; C3,D3,C9,D9=dog; E3,F3,E9,F9=hamster; G3,H3,G9,H9=guniea pig; A4,B4,A10,B10=racoon; C4,D4,ClO,DlO=rabb1t; E4,F4,E10,F10=rat; G4,H4,G10,H10=goat; A5.B5,All,Bll=sheep; C5,D5,Cll,Dll=pig; E5,F5,Ell,Fll=horse; G5,H5,Gll,Hll=turkey; A6,B6,A12,B12=mix of first 10 albumins; C6,D6,Cl2,Dl2=m1x of second 10 albumins. 

Adapted from: Benjamin DC, Herr JC, Sutherland WM, Woodward MP, DeCourcy K, Condon TP. A unique epitope on human serum albumin recognized by monoclonal antibody HAS-1: a probe for identification of the human origin of blood or tissue. Hybridoma 6(2): 183-90 (1987).

From a laboratory at University of Virginia.
  1. Benjamin DC, Herr JC, Sutherland WM, Woodward MP, DeCourcy K, Condon TP. A unique epitope on human serum albumin recognized by monoclonal antibody HAS-1: a probe for identification of the human origin of blood or tissue. Hybridoma 6(2): 183-90 (1987).

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