SACK-Xs 12(3) Neonatal Human Liver Stem Cells

Maintaining a population of adult stem cells (ASCs) allows one to exponentially propagate a population of cells in vitro, and induce differentiation when desired. This is possible with SACK cell strains and specified cell culture conditions.

SACK ASC Cell Properties

  • Long-term propagation in xanthosine (Xs)-supplemented medium
  • Suppressed asymmetric cell kinetics
  • Express the epithelial stem cell biomarker LGR-5 and the liver stem cell biomarker EpCAM
  • Xn-suppressed non-random sister chromatid segregation
  • Quality controlled to determine number of actual stem cells More info

Differentiated progeny Cell Properties

  • Xs-free medium, confluent monolayer, human serum-supplemented medium, serum reduction
  • Loss of LGR5 and EpCAM expression
  • Expression of hepatocyte-specific nuclear receptor PXR
  • Albumin secretion
  • Alpha-fetoprotein secretion (indicates presence of hepatoblasts)
  • Inducible cytochrome P450 activity (CYP3A4)
  • Secretion of hepatocyte basement membrane proteins  

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SACK-Xs 12(3) Neonatal Human Liver Stem Cells
1 vial In stock
Regular Price:$1,071.00
On Sale:

*Additional similar, but less well characterized, independent clonal cell strains are available. For more information, contact us.


Product Type: Cell Line
Name: SACK-Xs 12(3)
Cell Type: neonatal human liver stem cells
Accession ID: CVCL_5K97
Morphology: Fibroblastoid
Source: liver; 1 year old male donor cells
Organism: human
Biosafety Level: Bsl-1
Growth Conditions: SACK medium - DMEM (4.5mg/ml high glucose) w/ 10% dialyzed FBS and 1.5mM Xanthosine
Subculturing: Passage 1:5 when cells reach approx. 80% confluence
Cryopreservation: 70% DMEM (high glucose); 20% dialyzed FBS; 10% DMSO
Storage: Liquid nitrogen
Shipped: Dry ice


Quality Control

Example of stem cell quality control counting result for serial passage of the expanded neonatal human liver stem cell strain SACK-Xs 12(3) (300,000 initial total cell input). Note detection of symmetric cell division by stem cells between passages (vertical lines). Click here for more information regarding the QC process.


Express the epithelial stem cell biomarker LGR5 and the liver stem cell biomarker EpCAM.

Replacement of the SACK medium with differentiation conditions allows the expanded tissue stem cells to regain their in vivo homeostatic state of asymmetric self-renewal, which yields cells committed to tissue-specific differentiation.

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