Actin Force Sensor (cpstFRET) Expressing Cell Lines

These cell lines express actin force probes, allowing for the measurement of forces of actin and actinin in living cells via simple anisotropy FRET ratio R to measure changes in FRET.


  • Integrate naturally into cellular microfilaments
  • Report force in actin and the actin cross-linker actinin
  • Available as immortalized HEK293 or MDCK cell lines

Available Versions:

  • AcpA - One actin molecule attached on each end of cpstFRET
  • cpA - One actin molecule attached to the C-terminal of cpstFRET, leaving the other end of the probe dangling free and the probe devoid of tension. (force-free control)
  • M-cpstFRET - Actinin with the sensor incorporated between spectrin repeat domains 3 and 4 toward the middle of actinin
  • C-cpstFRET - C-terminal–tagged actinin (force-free control)

Mechanical signaling plays many roles in cell physiology, including stem cell differentiation and reprogramming. The actin force probe, named actin–cpstFRET (circularly permuted stretch sensitive FRET)–actin (AcpA), consists of a dipole orientation-based FRET sensor called cpstFRET flanked with β-actin monomers. The sensor consists of a pair of tandemly connected circularly permutated CFP/YFPs. Once expressed in cells, the actin probes incorporate into mainly into f-actin filaments and allow for the measurement of forces of actin and actin in in living cells via simple anisotropy FRET ratio R to measure changes in FRET.

From the laboratory of Frederick Sachs, PhD, University at Buffalo.

Catalog Number Product DataSheet Size AVAILABILITY Price Qty
Actin-cpstFRET-Actin (AcpA) HEK293 Cell Line
1 vial In stock
Regular Price:$536.00
On Sale:
cpstFRET-Actin (cpA) HEK293 Cell Line
1 vial In stock
Regular Price:$536.00
On Sale:
Actinin-M-cpstFRET (M-cpstFRET) HEK293 Cell Line
1 vial In stock
Regular Price:$536.00
On Sale:
Actinin-C-cpstFRET (C-cpstFRET) HEK293 Cell Line
1 vial In stock
Regular Price:$536.00
On Sale:
Actinin-M-cpstFRET (M-cpstFRET) MDCK Cell Line
1 vial In stock
Regular Price:$536.00
On Sale:
Actinin-C-cpstFRET (C-cpstFRET) MDCK Cell Line
1 vial In stock
Regular Price:$536.00
On Sale:

Product Type: Cell Line
Name: Beta-M-HEK
Cell Type: HEK-293, Human Embryonic Kidney
Accession ID: O43707, Q08043, P12814, P35609
Organism: Homo sapiens,Human, fetus
Source: Human Embryonic Kidney
Morphology: Epithelial; grow as adherent monolayer
Biosafety Level: 2 (contains adenovirus)
Subculturing: A subcultivation ratio of 1:2 to 1:6 is recommended. Replace medium every 2 to 3 days
Growth Conditions: DMEM w High Glucose + 10% Fetal Bovine Serum + Penn/strep
Cryopreservation: Complete growth medium, 95%; DMSO, 5%
Storage: Liquid nitrogen
Shipped: Dry ice


PDF Actin Force Sensor (cpstFRET) Expressing Cell Line Protocol

Actin Force Sensor (cpstFRET) Expressing Cell Lines

Cells: AcpA HEK293 cpA HEK293 M-cpstFRET HEK293 C-cpstFRET HEK293 M-cpstFRET MDCK C-cpstFRET MDCK
Cell Type: HEK-293, Human Embryonic Kidney HEK-293, Human Embryonic Kidney HEK-293, Human Embryonic Kidney HEK-293, Human Embryonic Kidney MDCK MDCK
Organism: Homo sapiens, Human, fetus Homo sapiens, Human, fetus Homo sapiens, Human, fetus Homo sapiens, Human, fetus Dog, Canis familiaris Dog, Canis familiaris
Morphology: Epithelial
Source Organ/Tissue: Human Embryonic Kidney Human Embryonic Kidney Human Embryonic Kidney Human Embryonic Kidney Normal Adult Kidney, Female Normal Adult Kidney, Female
Cell Line Name: Beta-M-HEK Beta-C-HEK Actinin-M-cpstFRET Actinin-C-cpstFRET Actinin-M-cpstFRET Actinin-C-cpstFRET
Biosafety Level: 2 (contains adenovirus) 2 (contains adenovirus) 2 (contains adenovirus) 2 (contains adenovirus) 1 1
Growth Properties: Adherent monolayer
Growth Medium: DMEM w High Glucose + 10% Fetal Bovine Serum + Penn/strep
Sub-culturing: A subcultivation ratio of 1:2 to 1:6 is recommended. Replace medium every 2 to 3 days
Cryopersavation: Complete growth medium, 95%; DMSO, 5%
Storage Temperature: Liquid Nitrogen
Shipped: Dry Ice
From the laboratory of Frederick Sachs, PhD, University at Buffalo.
  1. Guo, J., Wang, Y., Sachs, F. & Meng, F. Actin stress in cell reprogramming. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 111, E5252-5261 (2014).
  2. If you publish research with this product, please let us know so we can cite your paper.
