LAB KO (C57) Macrophage Cell Line

LAB KO (C57) Macrophage Cell Line

A knockout linker for activation of B cells (LAB) macrophage cell line isolated from bone marrow in C57BL/6 mice after immortalization with a retrovirus (J2) containing the myc and v-raf oncogenes.

LAB (linker for activation of B cells), also called NTAL, is necessary to fine-tune lymphocyte activation and may be a key regulator of innate immune responses.C57BL/6 also known as C57 black 6, C57 or black 6, is a common inbred strain of laboratory mouse. They are the most widely used and best-selling mouse strain, due to the availability of congenic strains, easy breeding, and robustness.

From the laboratory of Howard A. Young, PhD, National Cancer Institute/NIH.

Catalog Number Product DataSheet Size AVAILABILITY Price Qty
LAB KO (C57) Macrophage Cell Line
1 vial 4-6 weeks
Regular Price:$597.00
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Product Type: Cell Line
Name: LAB KO (C57)
Cell Type: Macrophage
Morphology: Adherent
Organism: Mouse
Source: Bone Marrow
Biosafety Level: BSL2
Growth Conditions: DMEM + 10% FBS + Glutamine
Cryopreservation: 90% FBS + 10% DMSO
Storage: Liquid Nitrogen
Shipped: Dry Ice

From the laboratory of Howard A. Young, PhD, National Cancer Institute/NIH.
The line is not producing any murine Type C retroviruses as it was derived with a replication defective packaging cell line.
  1. Blasi E, Radzioch D, Merletti L, Varesio L. Generation of macrophage cell line from fresh bone marrow cells with a myc/raf recombinant retrovirus. Cancer Biochem Biophys. 1989;10(4):303-317.
  2. Blasi E, Mathieson BJ, Varesio L, Cleveland JL, Borchert PA, Rapp UR. Selective immortalization of murine macrophages from fresh bone marrow by a raf/myc recombinant murine retrovirus. Nature. 1985;318(6047):667-670.
  3. Xiao C, Wang RH, Lahusen TJ, et al. Progression of chronic liver inflammation and fibrosis driven by activation of c-JUN signaling in Sirt6 mutant mice. J Biol Chem. 2012;287(50):41903-41913.

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