Broad Range DNA Ladder

Highly versitle broad-range DNA ladder suitable for molecular biology research.


  • Ready-to-use format with bands ranging from 100bp to 10kbp
  • Multiple fragments of the same size are generated allowing the ladder to maintain band intensity as the fragments become smaller in size
  • Double-intensity 0.5 kpb band followed by intense 0.7 kpb and 0.8 kpb bands followed by a low-intensity 1 kpb allow for easy reference

DNA ladders are essential research tools to every molecular biology laboratory. Commercially available ladders are offered as either narrow (more common) - or broad (less common)-range as they pertain to the range of DNA fragments that can be sized using these ladders. This broad-range ladder was developed using a set of three plasmids, which generate a set of 15 unique DNA fragments ranging from 100 bp to 10,000 bp. An essential feature of this ladder is that multiple fragments of the same size are generated (i.e., four fragments of 0.1 kbp, two fragments of 0.2 kbp and 0.5 kbp). This allows the ladder to maintain band intensity as fragments become smaller in size.

From the laboratory of Mikhail F. Alexeyev, PhD, University of South Alabama.

Catalog Number Product DataSheet Size AVAILABILITY Price Qty
Broad Range DNA Ladder
1mL 1-2 weeks
Regular Price:$57.00
On Sale:

Product Type: Buffer or Chemical
Name: Broad-Range DNA Ladder
Buffer: 15mM Tris, pH 8.0; 15.7mM K+; 3.5mM Mg+; 1.9mM EDTA; 0.0425% Bromphenol Blue; 8.5% glycerol; 0.17% SDS; 35ug/mL BSA
Marker Size: 100, 200, 300, 400, 500, 700, 800, 1000, 1500, 2000, 3000, 4000, 6000, 8000, 10000 bp
Tested Applications: Ready-to-use: load 5uL per well for minigels or 10uL per well for midi/maxi gels
Storage: Stable for at least 6 months at room temp. For long-term storage use -20C
Shipped: Room temperature

DNA Ladder
From the laboratory of Mikhail F. Alexeyev, PhD, University of South Alabama.

If you publish research with this product, please let us know so we can cite your paper.
