IgG Quantification ABC Kit (human-specific)

IgG quantification ABC kit is an in vitro quantitative assay for the measurement of human IgG in cell culture medium, serum or other biological samples.


  • Human-specific - Can be used to detect human IgG samples including serum containing medium
  • Mix&Read method - Does not require any washing step
  • Includes all the materials for carrying out 96 tests in 96-well plate format. The test number can be increased to 384 if the users choose to use self-supplied 384-well plate.

IgG quantification ABC kit is an in vitro quantitative assay for the measurement of IgG in cell culture medium, serum or other biological samples. The assay reaction is a patent pending Mix&Read method and does not require any washing step. ABCK0002 is specific to human and can be used to detect human IgG in various samples including serum containing medium. ABCK0002 includes all the materials for carrying out 96 tests in 96-well plate format. The test number can be increased to 384 if the users choose to use self-supplied 384-well plate.

Catalog Number Product Size AVAILABILITY Price Qty
IgG Quantification ABC Kit (human-specific)
1 Kit (96 tests) In stock
Regular Price:$433.00
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Product Type: Kit
Name: IgG Quantification ABC Kit (human-specific)
Format: 96-well plate
Components: White microplate (12x8-well strips)
Reagent A (3 mL)
500X Reagent B (15 uL)
General diluent (15 mL)
Human IgG standard (20 uL, 0.5 mg/mL)
Tested Applications: Measurement of human IgG in cell culture medium, serum or other biological samples.
Storage: -20C to +4C (see product manual)
Shipped: Cold packs

From the laboratory at ABC Biotechnology, Inc.
  • The kit assay range is between 50 ng/ml to 50 ug/ml (depending on the IgG species and subclass). Samples with higher IgG concentration may generate low signals due to Hook Effect, therefore need to be pre-diluted to be used in the assay. For samples with unknown concentration range, it is recommended to test at several 10-fold dilutions.
  • A general diluent is provided with the kit. However, for the most accurate result, it is recommended to use the same matrix to dilute the standards and samples. For example, in measuring the antibody expression from CHO cells, it is recommended to use antibody free CHO cell culture medium to dilute the standard.
  • A standard curve is needed to quantitate the sample IgG concentration. IgG from the same species and of the same subclass should be used as standards for the most accurate result. The standard curve may be omitted if the users only need to compare the relative concentrations among samples.

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