Translation and Tethering (TnT) Plasmid

The TnT plasmid is a nucleic acid-based biosensor to test the specific impacts of translation control factors by microscopy.


  • Combination of the nascent chain tracking translation reporter and mRNA tethering reporters
  • Adaptable to any factor since tethering/recruitment is through a tethering cassette
  • Useful for screening translation as well as up/down regulation of proteins
  • Study translation factors as well as effects of subcellular localization

The "Translation and Tethering" TnT biosensor is a combination of the nascent chain tracking translation reporter and mRNA tethering reporters. The TnT biosensor is adaptable to any factor since tethering/recruitment is through a tethering cassette and not the endogenous RNA binding domain of a specific factor. TnT can be used to screen effects such as translation as well as up/down regulation of proteins. Additionally, TnT can be used to study translation factors as well as effects of subcellular localization on translation by tethering TnT mRNA to a specific location.

From the laboratory of Timothy J. Stasevich, PhD, Colorado State University.

Catalog Number Product DataSheet Size AVAILABILITY Price Qty
Translation and Tethering (TnT) Plasmid
250ng In stock
Regular Price:$82.00
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Product Type: Plasmid
Name: pUb_smF-KDM_15xBoxB_24xms2 TnT Plasmid
Gene/insert name: Spaghetti-monster-10xFLAG-hKDM5B
Organism: KDM5B-human
Antibiotic Resistance: Amp
Fusion Tag(s): 10xFLAG
Vector Information: mRNA: promoter: human Ubiquitin, ORF: spaghetti-monster-10xFLAG-hKDM5B, Actin 3'UTR, 15xBoxB stem loops inserted in the Actin UTR at AgeI cut site, 24xMS2 after (3' of) the UTR, WPRE posttranslational regulatory element
Grow in E. coli at 37 C: No. Grow at 30C in NEB standard
Selectable markers: Amp
Cloning Site 5': AsiSI
Cloning Site 3': NheI or PmeI
Insert Size: 5655bp
Vector Backbone and Size: 13,920bp
High or low copy: Low
Storage: -20C
Shipped: Room temperature

From the laboratory of Timothy J. Stasevich, PhD, Colorado State University.
  1. Charlotte A. Cialek, Tatsuya Morisaki, Ning Zhao, Taiowa A. Montgomery, Timothy J. Stasevich. Imaging translational control by Argonaute with single-molecule resolution in live cells. bioRxiv 2021.04.30.442135; doi:

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