EBV-Conditioned SML Medium

Conditioned medium containing Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) is derived from a New World squirrel monkey cell line (SML) that sheds high levels of EBV.


  • Squirrel monkey lymphoblast conditioned medium containing Epstein-Barr virus (EBV)
  • Demonstrates similar levels of EBV shedding as B95-8 cell medium and the same efficiency of human B-cell transformation
  • Will transform the human cells within 3-4 weeks

Epstein–Barr virus (EBV), formally called Human gammaherpesvirus 4, is one of the nine known human herpesvirus types in the herpes family (one of the most common viruses in humans) and is a double-stranded DNA virus. Immortalization of human primary B lymphocytes with Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) has been used extensively to generate lymphoblastoid cell lines for the production of fully human monoclonal immunoglobulins as well to provide genetic and protein material from a single source. EBV stocks for transformation of human B-cells have standardly been derived from conditioned medium from New World cotton-top tamarin B95-8 cells. However, cotton-top tamarins are now listed as endangered by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, and organizations like the ATCC are no longer distributing the cell line.

From the laboratories of Jonathan G. Scammell, PhD and Robert A. Barrington, PhD, University of South Alabama.

Catalog Number Product DataSheet Size AVAILABILITY Price Qty
EBV-Conditioned SML Medium
5x1mL vials 4-6 weeks
Regular Price:$355.00
On Sale:

Product Type: Virus
Name: EBV-Conditioned Medium
Source: Squirrel monkey lymphoblast (SML) cells
Biosafety Level: BSL-2
Virus: EBV
Comments: Media contains phenol red indicator and serum (standard level).
Storage: -80C
Shipped: Dry Ice

A number of years ago, our laboratory used B95-8 cell conditioned medium to transform B-cells from another New World primate, the squirrel monkey. This lymphoblastoid cell line (SML) was characterized re EBV infection (Lab Animal Science 48, 364-370) and has been used extensively to study the differential expression of proteins in squirrel monkey cells (e.g. Endocrinology 141, 4107-4113). More recently, we examined whether conditioned medium from SML, cultured in our laboratory, could transform human B-cells and found very efficient transformation. Our success is perhaps not surprising as in 1972 Miller and Lippman (PNAS 70, 190-194) also found that conditioned medium from EBV-transformed squirrel monkey cells expressed high levels of EBV and was as infectious as B95-8 cell conditioned medium.

From the laboratories of Jonathan G. Scammell, PhD and Robert A. Barrington, PhD, University of South Alabama.

Quality Control: SML conditioned medium containing EBV was filtered (0.22 μm) to eliminate contaminating squirrel monkey cells and frozen at -80 C. By PCR, the medium tested negative for mycoplasma and strongly positive for EBV. Conditioned medium from SML demonstrated similar levels of EBV shedding as B95-8 cell medium and the same efficiency of human B-cell transformation.
  1. Reynolds PD, Roveda KP, Tucker JA, Moore CM, Valentine DL, Scammell JG. Glucocorticoid-resistant B-lymphoblast cell line derived from the Bolivian squirrel monkey (Saimiri boliviensis boliviensis). Lab Anim Sci. 1998 Aug;48(4):364-70. PMID: 10090044.
  2. Miller G, Shope T, Lisco H, Stitt D, Lipman M. Epstein-Barr virus: transformation, cytopathic changes, and viral antigens in squirrel monkey and marmoset leukocytes. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 1972 Feb;69(2):383-7. doi: 10.1073/pnas.69.2.383. PMID: 4333982; PMCID: PMC426463.

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