
Semkur-IM is a redox dye for easily assaying cell vitality in real-time.


  • Cell permeable and non-toxic
  • Negligible effect on GSH levels
  • Use with common fluorescent optics

Semkur-IM permeates live cells and fluoresces when the quenching component is cleaved off by cellular glutathione. Fluorescence intensity correlates with reduced glutathione (GSH) an indicator of cellular stress. The reduced/oxidized ratio (redox state) of glutathione typically exceeds 10:1 in healthy cells. Abnormal levels are associated with numerous pathologies including cancer, neurodegenerative diseases, cystic fibrosis, cardiovascular diseases, HIV and aging.

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1mg (10mM in DMSO) In stock
Regular Price:$273.00
On Sale:

Product Type: Small Molecule
Name: Semkur-IM
Alternative Name(s): DSSQ-1 probe
Molecular Weight: 792
Format: Liquid
Purity: 99% via HPLC
Buffer: DMSO
Ex/Em Maxima: 485-495/516-525
Platform: Microplate reader
Compatible Cells: NIH3T3 cells; cultured human cells; plasma; reacts blood components
Detection Method: Fluorescence
Comments: 1mg (sufficient for a 96 well plate)
Storage: Room temperature (powder); -20C resuspended
Shipped: Cold packs

From a laboratory at Vivid Microscopy.
The fluorescent probe is a di-thiol based indicator of oxidative stress. Data demonstrates penetration into the mitochondria; however, no penetration into the nuclear membrane. This was determined by co-localization studies. 
  1. Alvarez R, Kurfis J, Hendrickson M, Sem DS. Real-time thiol detection in iPSC-derived neuron cultures using SemKur-IM, a novel fluorescent dithio probe. SLAS Discov. 2023 Nov 20:S2472-5552(23)00081-3. doi: 10.1016/j.slasd.2023.11.003. Epub ahead of print. PMID: 38000947.
  2. Pullela PK, Chiku T, Carvan MJ and Sem D “Fluorescence-based detection of thiols in vitro and in vivo using dithiol probes” Analytical Biochemistry; 352 (2006) 265-273
  3. Chiku T, Pullela PK and Sem D “A Dithio-Coupled Kinase and ATPase Assay” Journal of Biomolecular Screening 11(7); 2006
  4. Tracy EP, Dukes M, Beare J, Rowe G, Nair R and LeBlanc AJ. Stromal Vascular Fraction Restores Vasodilatory Function by Reducing Oxidative Stress in Aging-Induced Coronary Microvascular Disease. Antioxid Redox Signal 2022 Aug 11. doi: 10.1089/ars.2021.0249. Online ahead of print

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