NIH3T3/3790#30 Cell Line

NIH3T3/3790#30 is a mitochondrial DNA lacking cell line derived from the NIH3T3 cells through transient transfection with a plasmid encoding EGFP and UNG1 Y147A mutant.

  • Lacks mitochondrial DNA (rho-θ, ρ)
  • Can be used as a recipient of mtDNA
  • May be useful for studies related to the oxidative phosphorylation system or the effects of different mtDNA mutations (as recipient mtDNA)
  • From the laboratory of Mikhail F Alexeyev, PhD, University of South Alabama.

    Catalog Number Product DataSheet Size AVAILABILITY Price Qty
    NIH3T3/3790#30 Cell Line
    1 vial In stock
    Regular Price:$474.00
    On Sale:

    Product Type: Cell Line
    Name: NIH3T3/3790#30 Cell Line
    Cell Type: Mouse embryonic fibroblasts
    Morphology: Fibroblast
    Organism: Mus musculus, mouse
    Source: Mouse embryo
    Biosafety Level: BSL-1
    Growth Conditions: DMEM with 4.5 g/l glucose, 10% FBS (such as Biowest, Cat. No. S1620), 1 mM sodium pyruvate, 50 ug/ml uridine
    Subculturing: Split 1:4 to 1:8, 1-2 times/week
    Cryopreservation: 45% media, 45% newborn calf serum (such as Fisher Cat. No. NC1928575), 10% DMSO
    Comments: Slow growth, may survive poorly after freezing
    Storage: LN2
    Shipped: Dry Ice

    From the laboratory of Mikhail F Alexeyev, PhD, University of South Alabama.
    NIH3T3/3790#30: Transiently transfected NIH3T3 cells with a plasmid encoding EGFP and UNG1 Y147A mutant were sorted for EGFP fluorescence. Cloning was described in PMID: 36809687.
    1. Khozhukhar N, Spadafora D, Rodriguez YAR, Fayzulin R, Alexeyev M. Generation of Mammalian Cells Devoid of Mitochondrial DNA (?0 cells). Curr Protoc. 2023 Feb;3(2):e679. doi: 10.1002/cpz1.679. PMID: 36809687; PMCID: PMC10151036.
    2. Spadafora D, Kozhukhar N, Chouljenko VN, Kousoulas KG, Alexeyev MF. Methods for Efficient Elimination of Mitochondrial DNA from Cultured Cells. PLoS One. 2016 May 2;11(5):e0154684. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0154684. PMID: 27136098; PMCID: PMC4852919.

    If you publish research with this product, please let us know so we can cite your paper.
