Notch1CR2-GFP Reporter Plasmid

This GFP reporter plasmid expresses Notch1CR2, a noncoding sequence upstream of the Notch1 locus.


  • Expresses Notch1CR2 with GFP reporter.
  • Notch1CR2 has been identified as a 399 bp noncoding cis-element in the second intron of the Notch1 gene locus.
  • Notch1CR2 is active throughout the duration of neurogenesis, primarily in interneuron progenitors of the developing CNS.
  • It has been shown that the binding motif for trans-acting factors Gsh1, Brn3, annd Barx2 is required for the activity of this cis- element.

The LIN-12/Notch family of transmembrane receptors plays a central role in development by regulating cell fate decisions. The Notch proteins have been found to be overexpressed or rearranged in human tumors. Ligands for Notch include Jagged, Jagged2 and Delta. Jagged can activate Notch and prevent myoblast differentiation by inhibiting the expression of muscle regulatory and structural genes. Jagged2 is thought to be involved in the development of various tissues whose development is dependent upon epithelial-mesenchymal interactions. Normal Delta expression is restricted to the adrenal gland and placenta. Delta expression has also been found in neuroendocrine tumors such as neuroblastomas and pheochromocytomas.

From the laboratory of Li Cai, PhD, Rutgers University.

The Investigator's Annexe Part of The Investigator's Annexe program.

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Notch1CR2-GFP Reporter Plasmid
Spotted on filter paper In stock
Regular Price:$82.00
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Product Type: Plasmid
Gene/insert name: Notch1CR2 ? a noncoding DNA fragment in the 2nd intron of Notch1 locus
Accession ID: P46531
Antibiotic Resistance: Ampicillin
Fusion Tag(s): GFP
Format: Liquid/spotted on filter paper
Grow in E. coli at 37 C: Yes
Selectable markers: GFP
Cloning Site 5': SpeI
Cloning Site 3': FseI
Insert Size: 399 bp
Vector Backbone and Size: basal beta-globin promoter (bGP-GFP)
High or low copy: High
Storage: -20C
Shipped: Ambient temperature


CR2 directs reporter GFP expression in embryonic chick CNS.

(A-B) whole mount images of transfee ted chick embryos at E4 two days after electroporation at E2 (HH12). CR2-GFP expression was observed only in the CNS. CAG-GFP expression (the transfection controls) was obs erved in both the CNS and non-CNS tissues. e.g.. the visceral arch (arrowhead).

Adapted from: Tzatzalos E, et al. Dev Biol. 2012 Dec 15;372(2):217-28.

From the laboratory of Li Cai, PhD, Rutgers University.
  1. Tzatzalos E, Smith SM, Doh ST, Hao H, Li Y, Wu A, Grumet M, Cai L. A cis-element in the Notch1 locus is involved in the regulation of gene expression in interneuron progenitors. Dev Biol. 2012 Dec 15;372(2):217-28.

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