BAP1 E. coli Strain

The BAP1 E. coli strain is designed to support complex natural product biosynthesis for systems such as polyketide and nonribosomal peptide products (See also: 6dEB Plasmids).

From the laboratory of Blaine A. Pfeifer, PhD, University at Buffalo.

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BAP1 E. coli Strain
Agar Stab In stock
Regular Price:$237.00
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Product Type: Bacteria
Name: BAP1
Organism: E. Coli
Genotype: BL21(DE3) ΔprpRBCD::T7prom-sfp,T7prom-prpE
Antibiotic Resistance: None
Competency: Chemical and electrocompetent
Growth Conditions: Lysogeny broth (LB)
Comments: Please see the reference below and associated supplementary information regarding strain construction and induction conditions
Storage: -80C (glycerol stock)
Shipped: Room Temperature

From the laboratory of Blaine A. Pfeifer, PhD, University at Buffalo.
  1. Pfeifer BA, Admiraal SJ, Gramajo H, Cane DE, Khosla C. Biosynthesis of complex polyketides in a metabolically engineered strain of E. coli. Science. 2001; 291(5509):1790-2.
  2. Kong L, Xu G, Liu X, et al. Divergent Biosynthesis of C-Nucleoside Minimycin and Indigoidine in Bacteria. iScience. 2019;22:430-440. View article

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