Multicolor GLUT5-Permeable Fluorescent Probes

Coumarin-based fluorescent sugar conjugates applicable for the analysis of fructose transport.


  • Fructose uptake is orchestrated via free passage through the fructose-specific transporter GLUT5
  • Probes cover a broad range of the fluorescence spectrum providing essential tools for the evaluation of fructose transport capacity in live cells
  • 2,5-anhydro-D-mannitol-coumarin based GLUT5-specific probes - ManCous - amenable for the direct analysis of GLUT5 activity in cells
  • The focused coumarin library conjugated to the 2,5-anhydro-D-mannitol (ManCous) includes fluorescent probes that emit at different parts of the fluorescence spectrum, while maintaining the same excitation
  • As GLUT5 reporters, the probes allow for a visual discrimination between GLUT5-proficient and GLUT5-deficient cells
  • The spectral versatility of ManCou probes allows for combination studies through mismatching fluorescence colors of different reporters, such as nuclear and membrane dyes

GLUT5 is a fructose transporter expressed on the apical border of enterocytes in the small intestine. GLUT5 allows for fructose to be transported from the intestinal lumen into the enterocyte by facilitated diffusion due to fructose's high concentration in the intestinal lumen.

From the laboratory of Marina Tanasova, PhD, Michigan Technological University.

Catalog Number Product DataSheet Size AVAILABILITY Price Qty
ManCou11, 1mg
1mg In stock
Regular Price:$72.00
On Sale:
ManCou12, 1mg
1mg In stock
Regular Price:$72.00
On Sale:
ManCou14, 1mg
1mg In stock
Regular Price:$72.00
On Sale:
ManCou1, 5mg
5mg In stock
Regular Price:$237.00
On Sale:
ManCou3, 5mg
5mg In stock
Regular Price:$237.00
On Sale:
ManCou4, 5mg
5mg In stock
Regular Price:$237.00
On Sale:
ManCou11, 5mg
5mg In stock
Regular Price:$237.00
On Sale:
ManCou12, 5mg
5mg In stock
Regular Price:$237.00
On Sale:
ManCou14, 5mg
5mg In stock
Regular Price:$237.00
On Sale:
ManCou1, 1mg
1mg In stock
Regular Price:$72.00
On Sale:
ManCou3, 1mg
1mg In stock
Regular Price:$72.00
On Sale:
ManCou4, 1mg
1mg In stock
Regular Price:$72.00
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Product Type: Small Molecule
Chemical Formula: C15H17NO6: ManCou1
C16H16F3NO6: ManCou3
C21H21NO6: ManCou4
C17H20N2O7: ManCou11
C22H22N2O7: ManCou12
C20H20N2O6 : ManCou14
Molecular Weight: 307.30: ManCou1
375.90: ManCou3
383.40: ManCou4
364.35: ManCou11
426.14: ManCou13
384.38: ManCou14
Format: Yellow Solid
Purity: >95%, HPLC
Solubility: DMSO
Spectral Information: NMR, HRMS
Storage: -20C
Shipped: Room temperature

From the laboratory of Marina Tanasova, PhD, Michigan Technological University.
  1. Begoyan VV, Weselinski JL, Xia S, Fedie J, Kannan S, Ferrier A, Rao S, Tanasova M. Multicolor GLUT5-permeable fluorescent probes for fructose transport analysis. Chem Commun (Camb). 2018 Apr 12;54(31):3855-3858.
  2. Kannan, S.; Begoyan, V. V.; Fedie, J. R.; Xia, S.; Weselinski, L. J.; Tanasova, M.; Rao, S., Metabolism-Driven High-Throughput Cancer Identification with GLUT5-Specific Molecular Probes. Biosensors (Basel) 2018, 8 (2), e39-e50.

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