ArborEasy® DNA Isolation Kit

ArborEasy® DNA Isolation Kit provides a non-biohazardous, low cost spin column based system for isolation of plant genomic DNA from wide range of tissue types, specifically challenging tissues from tree species.


  • High recovery of un-degraded DNA from challenging tissues including plant based raw drugs, dried bark and wood tissues
  • Protocol quenches polyphenols, polysaccharides and other bio-contaminants to facilitate high recovery of un-degraded genomic DNA
  • Free from hazardous chemicals
  • Useful for Routine PCR analysis (RAPD/ISSR/AFLP assays), High-throughput marker assays (SSR/InDel/SNP genotyping), Next generation sequencing (WGS/Amplicon sequencing/Target capture), SNaPshot analysis

This technology was developed based on Institute of Forest Genetics and Tree Breeding – Department of Biotechnology joint patent and ArborEasy® is a registered trademark of IFGTB, Coimbatore, India.

From the laboratory of Modhumita Dasgupta, PhD, Institute of Forest Genetics and Tree Breeding.


Catalog Number Product DataSheet Size AVAILABILITY Price Qty
ArborEasy® DNA Isolation Kit
10rxns In stock
Regular Price:$242.00
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Product Type: Kit
Name: ArborEasy DNA Isolation Kit
Components: 1) Buffer A: 7ml
2) Buffer B: 1.5 ml
3) Binding Buffer: 12 ml
4) Wash Buffer W1: 7 ml
5) Wash Buffer W2: 6ml
6) Elution Buffer: 6 ml
7) Spin columns: 10 Nos.
Tested Applications: Useful for Routine PCR analysis (RAPD/ISSR/AFLP assays), High-throughput marker assays (SSR/InDel/SNP genotyping), Next generation sequencing (WGS/Amplicon sequencing/Target capture), SNaPshot analysis
Experiment duration (recommended): 1 hour 30 minutes
Storage: +4C (stable for >6 months)
Shipped: Ambient temperature

From the laboratory of Modhumita Dasgupta, PhD,Institute of Forest Genetics and Tree Breeding.
  1. Dasgupta, M.G., Ulaganathan, K., Dev, S.A. and Balakrishnan, S. (2019). Draft genome of Santalum album L. provides genomic resources for accelerated trait improvement. Tree Genetics & Genomes 15: 34.
  2. Dasgupta, M.G., Burragoni, S., Amrutha, S., Muthupandi, M., Parveen, A.B.M., Sivakumar, V. and Ulaganathan, K. (2020). Diversity of bacterial endophyte in Eucalyptus clones and their implications in water stress tolerance. Microbiol Res. 241:126579. doi: 10.1016/j.micres.2020.126579.
  3. Muneera Parveen, A.B., Lakshmanan, D. and Ghosh Dasgupta, M. (2020). Validation of variants using cost effective high resolution melting (HRM) analysis predicted from target re-sequencing in Eucalyptus. Acta Bot. Croat. 79 (2), 105–113.
  4. Ghosh Dasgupta, M., Abdul Bari, M.P., Shanmugavel, S., Dharanishanthi, V., Muthupandi ,M., Kumar, N., Chauhan, S.S., Kalaivanan, J., Mohan, H., Krutovsky, K.V. and Rajasugunasekar, D. (2021). Targeted re-sequencing and genome-wide association analysis for wood property traits in breeding population of Eucalyptus tereticornis × E. grandis. Genomics 113(6):4276-4292. (JIF: 5.736).
  5. Ghosh Dasgupta, M., Dev, S.A., Muneera Parveen, A.B., Sarath, P. and Sreekumar, V.B. (2021). Draft genome of Korthalsia laciniosa (Griff.) Mart., a climbing rattan elucidates its phylogenetic position. Genomics 113: 2010-2022 (JIF: 5.736).

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