pGEX-5X-1-Znf131 Plasmids

These plasmids were derived using the pGEX-5X-1 plasmid as the backbone and contain the cDNA encoding for full-length, as well as various regions of the transcription factor Znf131.

Zinc finger protein, 131 plays a role during development and organogenesis as well as in the function of the adult central nervous system. In addition, it has been shown to be involved in transcriptional regulation as a repressor of ESR1/ER-alpha signaling.

Kaiso, a transcription factor was first identified as a specific binding partner for the catenin p120ctn, which is aberrantly expressed or absent in human breast, colon and skin cancers. Kaiso is also a member of the POZ-zinc finger family of transcription factors implicated as oncoproteins or tumor suppressors, and currently it is the only known POZ protein with bi-modal DNA-binding and transcriptional repression activity.

From the laboratory of Juliet M. Daniel, PhD, McMaster Univeristy

The Investigator's Annexe Part of The Investigator's Annexe program.

Catalog Number Product DataSheet Size AVAILABILITY Price Qty
pGEX-5X-1-Znf131 ZF
Spotted on filter paper In stock
Regular Price:$82.00
On Sale:
pGEX-5X-1-Znf131 FL
Spotted on filter paper In stock
Regular Price:$82.00
On Sale:
pGEX-5X-1-Znf131 delta-ZF
Spotted on filter paper In stock
Regular Price:$82.00
On Sale:
pGEX-5X-1-Znf131 POZ
Spotted on filter paper In stock
Regular Price:$82.00
On Sale:
pGEX-5X-1-Znf131 delta-POZ
Spotted on filter paper In stock
Regular Price:$82.00
On Sale:

Product Type: Plasmid
Name: Full-length Znf131
Gene/insert name: Znf131-FL
Antibiotic Resistance: Amp
Fusion Tag(s): GST
Grow in E. coli at 37 C: Yes
Cloning Site 5': BamHI
Cloning Site 3': NotI
Vector Backbone and Size: pGEX-5X-1
Storage: Up to 1 month at 4C. Long-term, -20C
Shipped: Ambient temperature, spotted on filter paper


pGEX-5X-1-Znf131 Plasmids

Gene/Insert Name: Znf131-FL Znf131-ZF Znf131-?ZF Znf131-POZ Znf131-?POZ
Description: Full-length Znf131 Znf131 Zinc finger Domain only Znf131 with Zinc finger Domain deletion Znf131 Pox virus and Zinc finger Domain (POZ) only Znf131 with Pox virus and Zinc finger Domain deletion
Insert Size (bp):   465      
Species: Human Human Human Human Human
Fusion Proteins/Tags: GST GST GST GST GST
Vector Backbone and Size: pGEX-5X-1 pGEX-5X-1 pGEX-5X-1 pGEX-5X-1 pGEX-5X-1
Cloning Site 5': BamHI BamHI BamHI BamHI BamHI
Cloning Site 3': NotI NotI NotI NotI NotI
Antibiotic Resistance: Amp Amp Amp Amp Amp
Standard E. coli @ 37C?: Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Storage Temperature: Up to 1 month at 4C. Long-term, -20C
Shipped: Room temperature, spotted on filter paper
From the laboratory of Juliet M. Daniel, PhD, McMaster Univeristy
  1. Donaldson NS, Nordgaard CL, Pierre CC, Kelly KF, Robinson S, Swystun L, Henriquez R, Graham M and Daniel JM. Kaiso regulates Znf131-mediated transcriptional activation. (2010) Exp. Cell Res. 316:1692-1705

If you publish research with this product, please let us know so we can cite your paper.
