Cy3 Picolyl Azide

Cy3 Picolyl Azide incorporates a copper-chelating group to the azide structure to allow co-diffusion and concentrate copper at the reaction site.

The picolyl azide effect is so strong that it more than compensate for the effect of omitting THPTA ligand or decreasing the Cu concentration from 100 μm to 10 μm. In addition Biotin Picolyl Azide can be used under classic copper-catalyzed click reactions with dramatically increased efficiency.

Catalog Number Product DataSheet Size AVAILABILITY Price Qty
Cy3 Picolyl Azide, 1 mg
1mg In stock
Regular Price:$210.00
On Sale:
Cy3 Picolyl Azide, 5 mg
5mg In stock
Regular Price:$631.00
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Cy3 Picolyl Azide, 25 mg
25mg In stock
Regular Price:$1,843.00
On Sale:

Product Type: Small Molecule
CAS number: N/A
Molecular Weight: 908.08
Extinction Coefficient: 150000
Variant MPN: 1178
Format: Red solid
Purity: >95% (HPLC)
Solubility: DMSO, DMF, Water, MeOH
Spectral Information: Abs/Em = 550/570 nm; Microscopy laser line: 532 or 555 nm
Comments: Flow cytometry laser line: 532, 555, or 568 nm
Storage: -20C. Desiccate
Shipped: Ambient

  1. Jiang H, Zheng T, Lopez-Aguilar A, Feng L, Kopp F, Marlow FL, Wu P. Monitoring dynamic glycosylation in vivo using supersensitive click chemistry. Bioconjug Chem. 2014 Apr 16;25(4):698-706.
  2. Uttamapinant C, Tangpeerachaikul A, Grecian S, Clarke S, Singh U, Slade P, Gee KR, Ting AY. Fast, cell-compatible click chemistry with copper-chelating azides for biomolecular labeling. Angew Chem Int Ed Engl. 2012 Jun 11;51(24):5852-6.

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