Disulfide Biotin Azide

Disulfide Biotin Azide is an azide-activated cleavable biotin probe that allows for efficient recovery of avidin-bound protein complexes in affinity-based assays. The integral disulfide bond can be cleaved under mild reducing conditions using DTT or other reducing agents.

Catalog Number Product DataSheet Size AVAILABILITY Price Qty
Disulfide Biotin Azide, 25 mg
25mg In stock
Regular Price:$835.00
On Sale:

Product Type: Small Molecule
Chemical Formula: C27H48N8O7S3
CAS number: N/A
Molecular Weight: 692.91
Variant MPN: 1168
Format: Glass-like amorphous solid
Purity: >95%
Solubility: DMSO, DMF
Molecular Weight Left Behind: 188.25
Storage: -20C
Shipped: Ambient


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