Cyanine5.5 maleimide

Cyanine5.5 maleimide is a thiol reactive dye which is capable of selective labeling of sulfhydryl groups in proteins. Near infrared emission of Cyanine5.5 makes this dye suitable for bioimaging applications.

Catalog Number Product DataSheet Size AVAILABILITY Price Qty
Sulfo-Cy5.5 maleimide, 1 mg
1mg In stock
Regular Price:$164.00
On Sale:
Sulfo-Cy5.5 maleimide, 5 mg
5mg In stock
Regular Price:$426.00
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Cy5.5 maleimide, 25 mg
25mg In stock
Regular Price:$1,035.00
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Product Type: Small Molecule
Chemical Formula: C46H49ClN4O3
CAS number: N/A
Molecular Weight: 741.36
Extinction Coefficient: 209000
Variant MPN: 17380
Format: Dark blue powder
Purity: NMR 1H, HPLC-MS (95%)
Solubility: Soluble in organic solvents (DMSO, DMF, dichloromethane), low solubility in water
Ex/Em Maxima: Ex: 673 nm, Em: 707 nm
Quantum Yield: 0.2
Storage: 24 months after receival at -20°C in the dark. Transportation: at room temperature for up to 3 weeks. Avoid prolonged exposure to light. Desiccate.
Shipped: Ambient temperature


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