Cryptosporidium GP25-200/P23 Antibodies

These mouse monoclonal antibodies (MAbs) were produced against affinity-purified Cryptosporidium parvum (Iowa) native antigens using sporozoite apical and surface pellicle-reactive MAbs C4A1 and C6B6 as binding ligands and recognize Cryptosporidium spp. oocysts or apical and surface pellicle antigens GP25-200 or P23.


  • Reacts with Cryptosporidium spp. GP25-200 or P23 (See Comments for details)
  • Suitable for immunofluorescence and immunoblot applications including diagnositcs

Cryptosporidium parvum is a apicomplexan parasite that infects intestinal epithelium and causes diarrheal disease in humans and in calves and other agriculturally important food animals worldwide. Primary symptoms of C. parvum infection are acute, watery, and nonbloody diarrhea. C. parvum infection is of particular concern in immunocompromised patients in which the infection may become persistent and disseminated. Other symptoms may include anorexia, nausea/vomiting, and abdominal pain. Hygiene is the most effective way to combat this difficult-to-prevent parasite. GP25-200 was originally defined by MAb C4A1 as a sporozoite apical and surface pellicle glycoprotein complex comprised of multiple 25- to >200-kDa species identified in reducing SDS-PAGE. P23, a 23-kDa sporozoite surface pellicle protein, was originally identified by MAb C6B6.

From the laboratory of Michael W. Riggs, DVM, PhD, University of Arizona.

Catalog Number Product DataSheet Size AVAILABILITY Price Qty
Anti-GP25-200 [2B4] Antibody, 5mL (supernatant)
5mL (supernatant) In stock
Regular Price:$319.00
On Sale:
Anti-GP25-200 [2C2] Antibody, 5mL (supernatant)
5mL (supernatant) In stock
Regular Price:$319.00
On Sale:
Anti-GP25-200 [2F12] Antibody, 5mL (supernatant)
5mL (supernatant) In stock
Regular Price:$319.00
On Sale:
Anti-GP25-200 [2G1] Antibody, 5mL (supernatant)
5mL (supernatant) In stock
Regular Price:$319.00
On Sale:
Anti-GP25-200 [3H2] Antibody, 5mL (supernatant)
5mL (supernatant) In stock
Regular Price:$319.00
On Sale:
Anti-GP25-200 [4D3] Antibody, 5mL (supernatant)
5mL (supernatant) In stock
Regular Price:$319.00
On Sale:
Anti-GP25-200 [4D5] Antibody, 5mL (supernatant)
5mL (supernatant) In stock
Regular Price:$319.00
On Sale:
Anti-GP25-200 [4E11] Antibody, 5mL (supernatant)
5mL (supernatant) In stock
Regular Price:$319.00
On Sale:
Anti-P23 [3D1] Antibody, 5mL (supernatant)
5mL (supernatant) In stock
Regular Price:$319.00
On Sale:
Anti-P23 [5B9] Antibody, 5mL (supernatant)
5mL (supernatant) In stock
Regular Price:$319.00
On Sale:
Anti-GP25-200 [1E3] Antibody, 5mL (supernatant)
5mL (supernatant) In stock
Regular Price:$319.00
On Sale:
Anti-GP25-200 [2A11] Antibody, 5mL (supernatant)
5mL (supernatant) In stock
Regular Price:$319.00
On Sale:

Product Type: Antibody
Name: GP25-200/P23 Antibodies
Antigen: GP25-200 or P23
Molecular Weight: Multiple 25- to >200-kDa (glyco) proteins (GP25-200); 23-kDa protein (P23)
Isotype: See Comments section below for details on each clone.
Clonality: Monoclonal
Reactivity: Cryptosporidium spp.; See Comments section below for details on each clone.
Immunogen: MAb C4A1- or MAb C6B6- Iimmunoaffinity-purified C. parvum antigens
Species Immunized: Mouse
Purification Method: Not purified
Buffer: Spent cell culture supernatant medium (containing DMEM, 15% FBS, pen/strep)
Tested Applications: IFA, Immunoblot
Storage: -80C
Shipped: Cold Packs


Western Blot analysis of MAb Reactivities

Excysted oocysts were solubilized in lysis buffer containing protease inhibitors, boiled in reducing SDS-PAGE sample buffer, resolved in 4 to 20% gradient SDS-PAGE reducing gels, and Western blotted as previously described (Schaefer et. al. 2000. Infect. Immun. 68:2608-2616). Blots were probed with culture supernatants containing MAbs generated against C. parvum or isotype-matched control MAbs of irrelevant specificity (4 ug/ml for immunoglobulin M [IgM] and 10 ug/ml for IgG). Bound MAb was detected with affinity-purified phosphatase conjugated goat anti-mouse IgG, IgA, and IgM and phosphatase substrate. Molecular mass standards are indicated on the left (myosin, 208 kDa; b-galactosidase, 144 kDa; BSA, 87 kDa; carbonic anhydrase, 44.1 kDa; soybean trypsin inhibitor, 32.7 kDa; lysozyme, 17.7 kDa [Bio-Rad].

Indirect Fluorescent Antibody (IFA)

From the laboratory of Michael W. Riggs, DVM, PhD, University of Arizona.
Clone Target Epitope Structure1 Isotype Comments
1E3 GP25-200 P/PD IgG1 k Binds to air dried or formalin fixed intact C. parvum oocysts and excysted oocyst shells by IFA; binds to solubilized C. hominis oocysts in dot immunoblot.
2A11 GP25-200 pending IgM k Binds to the suture of air dried or formalin fixed excysted C. parvum oocyst shells by IFA; binds to solubilized C. hominis oocysts in dot immunoblot.
2B4 GP25-200 C/CD IgG2a k Binds to air dried amorphous soluble antigen deposits (possibly secreted exoantigens) from excysted C. parvum sporozoite preps in IFA; binds to solubilized C. hominis oocyst antigens in western blot.
2C2 GP25-200 P/PD IgG1k Binds to the suture of air dried or formalin fixed excysted C. parvum oocyst shells in IFA; binds to air dried excysted C. hominis oocyst shells in IFA and solubilized C. hominis oocysts in dot immunoblot.
2F12 GP25-200 P/PD IgG2a k Binds to air dried excysted oocyst shells and air dried intact oocysts of C. parvumC. hominisC. meleagridis and C. muris in IFA; binds to solubilized C. hominis oocyst antigens in western blot.
2G1 GP25-200 pending IgG2b k Binds to the suture of air dried excysted C. parvum and C. hominis oocyst shells and air dried intact C. parvum and C. hominis oocysts by IFA; binds to solubilized C. hominis oocysts in dot immunoblot.
3H2 GP25-200 C/CD IgM Reduces C. parvum infection in the neonatal mouse model; binds to anterior surface and multifocally on air dried C. parvum and C. hominis sporozoites, intact oocysts and excysted oocyst shells in IFA; binds to live C. parvum sporozoites with posterior capping in live IFA; binds to solubilized C. hominis oocyst antigens in western blot.
4D3 GP25-200 P/PD IgM k Binds to air dried or formalin fixed intact oocysts and excysted oocyst shells of C. parvumC. muris and C. meleagridis in IFA; binds to solubilized C. hominis oocyst antigens in western blot.
4D5 GP25-200 P/PD IgG1 k Binds to air dried excysted C. parvum oocyst shells in IFA; binds to solubilized C. hominis oocyst antigens in dot immunoblot.
4E11 GP25-200 C/CD IgM k Binds to surface and anterior antigens of air dried or formalin fixed C. parvum sporozoites and excysted oocyst shells in IFA; binds to the surface of live C. parvum sporozoites in live IFA; binds to air dried intact C. muris and C. meleagridis oocysts in IFA; binds to solubilized C. hominis oocyst antigens in western blot.
3D1 P23 P/PD IgM Binds diffusely to the surface of air dried or formalin fixed C. parvum sporozoites and to air dried soluble antigen deposited in trails during sporozoite gliding motility in IFA; binds to solubilized C. hominis oocysts in western blot; reactivity with P23 rC7 (3) pending.
5B9 P23 pending IgM Reduces C. parvum infection in the neonatal mouse model; binds to air dried soluble antigen deposited in trails during sporozoite gliding motility and to the surface of air dried C. parvum sporozoites in IFA; unreactive with solubilized C. parvum oocyst antigens in western blot or dot immunoblot; unreactive with P23 rC7 (3) in dot immunoblot.
1 Epitope structure defined as carbohydrate/carbohydrate-dependent (C/CD) or peptide/peptide-dependent (P/PD) based on MAb ability to bind solubilized C. parvum antigen after periodate oxidation in dot immunoblot assay (See: Woodward, MP, et al. 1985. J. Immunol. Methods 78:143.).
  1. Schaefer, DA, Auerbach-Dixon, BA, and Riggs, MW. Characterization and formulation of multiple epitope-specific neutralizing monoclonal antibodies for passive immunization against cryptosporidiosis. 2000. Infect. Immun., 68(5), 2608-2616.
  2. Riggs, MW, Stone, AL, Yount, PA, Langer, RC, Arrowood, MJ, and Bentley, DL. Protective monoclonal antibody defines a circumsporozoite-like glycoprotein exoantigen of Cryptosporidium parvum sporozoites and merozoites. 1997. J Immunol. 158, 1787-1795.
  3. Perryman, LE, DP Jasmer, MW Riggs, SG Bohnet, TC McGuire and MJ Arrowood. 1996. A Cloned Gene of Cryptosporidium parvum Encodes Neutralization-Sensitive Epitopes. Mol. Biochem. Parasitol. 80:137-147.

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