Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) Cell Lines

Established cell lines isolated from human skin fibroblasts from patients with defined autism spectrum disorders (ASDs) or unaffected volunteers (control group).


  • Patients underwent Autism Diagnostic Observation Schedule-General (ADOS-G), Autism Diagnostic Interview-Revised (ADI-R), and WASI tests to confirm diagnosis

Autism spectrum disorders (ASDs) comprise a set of neurodevelopmental disorders that are, at best, poorly understood but are the fastest growing developmental disorders in the United States. Derivation of induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs) by somatic cell reprogramming offers an alternative strategy for identifying the cellular mechanisms contributing to ASDs and the development of new treatment options.

From the laboratory of Philip H. Schwartz, PhD, Children's Hospital of Orange County.

Catalog Number Product DataSheet Size AVAILABILITY Price Qty
ASD Control Cell Line (SC197)
1 Vial Please inquire
Regular Price:$597.00
On Sale:
ASD Control Cell Line (SC231)
1 Vial Please inquire
Regular Price:$597.00
On Sale:
ASD Control Cell Line (SC178)
1 Vial Please inquire
Regular Price:$597.00
On Sale:
ASD Control Cell Line (SC164)
1 Vial Please inquire
Regular Price:$597.00
On Sale:
ASD Control Cell Line (SC160)
1 Vial Please inquire
Regular Price:$597.00
On Sale:
ASD Control Cell Line (SC148)
1 Vial Please inquire
Regular Price:$597.00
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ASD (idiopathic) Cell Line (SC204)
1 Vial Currently unavailable
Regular Price:$597.00
On Sale:
ASD (idiopathic) Cell Line (SC222)
1 Vial Please inquire
Regular Price:$597.00
On Sale:
ASD (idiopathic) Cell Line (SC229)
1 Vial Please inquire
Regular Price:$597.00
On Sale:
ASD (idiopathic) Cell Line (SC166)
1 Vial Please inquire
Regular Price:$597.00
On Sale:
ASD (idiopathic) Cell Line (SC174)
1 Vial Please inquire
Regular Price:$597.00
On Sale:
ASD (idiopathic) Cell Line (SC119)
1 Vial Please inquire
Regular Price:$597.00
On Sale:

Product Type: Cell Line
Name: Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) Cell Lines
Morphology: Fibroblast
Organism: Human
Source: Skin
Subculturing: 5-7 days doubling time, change medium every 2-3 days. Recommended split ratio of 1:2 or 1:3 in new TC-treated flasks.
Growth Conditions: Human Dermal Fibroblast Medium [HDFM; D-MEM high glucose with GlutaMAX (Life Technologies (10569), 10% Certified FBS (Life Technologies 16000), 1X non-essential amino acids (NEAA; Hyclone), and 10uM Primocin (InvivoGen)]. Incubate at 37C, 5% CO2.
Cryopreservation: 80% HDFM, 10% FBS, 10% DMSO
Comments: Control Lines: sc148, sc160, sc164, sc178, sc197, sc231
Idiopathic Autism Lines: sc119 sc166, sc174, sc204, sc222, sc229
Storage: LN2
Shipped: Dry Ice

From the laboratory of Philip H. Schwartz, PhD, Children's Hospital of Orange County.
  1. Brick DJ, Nethercott HE, Montesano S, Banuelos MG, Stover AE, Schutte SS, O'Dowd DK, Hagerman RJ, Ono M, Hessl DR, Tassone F, Schwartz PH. The Autism Spectrum Disorders Stem Cell Resource at Children's Hospital of Orange County: Implications for Disease Modeling and Drug Discovery. Stem Cells Transl Med. 2014 Nov;3(11):1275-86.

If you publish research with this product, please let us know so we can cite your paper.
