Edward K. Chan, PhD, University of Florida

Edward K. Chan, PhD
Edward K. Chan, PhD

The Chan laboratory studies autoantigens and autoantibodies associated with systemic autoimmune diseases and cancer. Their two main directions are: 1) To identify and characterize specific target antigens of human autoantibodies with a focus on understanding why autoantibodies are induced and continually produced in different disease, and 2) To use human autoantibodies as unique probes to investigate the molecular and cell biology of interesting macromolecules and subcellular organelles which have become autoimmune targets. The overall strategy is that by understanding the biology of autoantigens in health and disease states, they may be able to fully appreciate the functional and pathogenic potentials of autoantibodies. Chan Lab Webpage



  1. Ikeda K, Satoh M, Pauley KM, Fritzler MJ, Reeves WH, Chan EK. Detection of the argonaute protein Ago2 and microRNAs in the RNA induced silencing complex (RISC) using a monoclonal antibody. J Immunol Methods. 2006 Dec 20;317(1-2):38-44.
  2. Hendrickson DG, Hogan DJ, McCullough HL, Myers JW, Herschlag D, Ferrell JE, Brown PO. Concordant regulation of translation and mRNA abundance for hundreds of targets of a human microRNA. PLoS Biol. 2009 Nov;7(11):e1000238.
  3. Yao, B., La, L.B., Chen, Y.C., Chang, L.J., and Chan, E.K. Defining a new role of GW182 in maintaining miRNA stability. EMBO Rep. 13:1102-8.
  4. Yao, B., Li, S., Lian, S.L., Fritzler, M.J., and Chan, E.K. Mapping of Ago2-GW182 functional interactions. Methods Mol. Biol. 725:45-62.
  5. Yao, B., Li. S., Jung, H.M., Lian, S.L., Abadal, G.X., Han, F., Fritzler, M.J., and Chan, E.K. Divergent GW182 functional domains in the regulation of translational silencing. Nucleic Acids Res. 39:2534-47.
  6. Lian, S.L., Li. S., Abadal, G.X., Pauley, B.A., Fritzler, M.J., and Chan, E.K. The C-terminal half of human Ago2 binds to multiple GW-rich regions of GW182 and requires GW182 to mediate silencing. RNA 15:804-13.
  7. Pauley, K.M., Eystathioy, T., Jakymiw, A., Hamel J.C., Fritzler, M.J., and Chan, E.K. Formation of GW bodies is a consequence of miRNA genesis. EMBO Reports. 7:904-910.
  8. Jakymiw, A., Ikeda, K., Fritzler, M.J., Reeves, W.H., Satoh, M., and Chan, E.K. Autoimmune targeting of key components of RNA interference. Arthritis Res. Ther. 8:R87.
  9. Lian, S., Jakymiw, A., Eystathioy, T., Hamel, J.C., Fritzler, M.J., and Chan, E.K. GW bodies, microRNAs and the cell cycle. Cell Cycle 5:242-5.
  10. Jakymiw, A., Lian, S., Eystathioy, T., Li, S., Satoh, M., Hamel J.C., Fritzler, M.J., and Chan, E.K. Disruption of GW bodies impairs mammalian RNA Interference. Nature Cell Biology 7:1167-74.