Blaine A. Pfeifer PhD, Tufts University*

Blaine A. Pfeifer PhD
Blaine A. Pfeifer PhD

The Pfeirer laboratory is interested in the field of biological engineering, specifically cellular and process engineering. At the cellular level, they utilize molecular engineering to reprogram microbial metabolism. The tools utilized to do so span molecular biology and microbiology, which then serve to enable the reactions or functions supporting various research goals. At the process level, classical unit operation scaling and development techniques include bioreactor design and media/parameter optimization through design of experiments. In addition they are interested in heterologous natural product biosynthesis and genetic vaccine design.

*Now affiliated with University at Buffalo.



  1. Zhang, Haoran, et al. "Complete biosynthesis of erythromycin A and designed analogs using E. coli as a heterologous host." Chemistry & biology 17.11 (2010): 1232-1240.