Marina Tanasova, PhD, Michigan Technological University

Kefei Yu, PhD
Marina Tanasova, PhD

The Tanasova laboratory research focuses on developing molecular probes and biochemical assays for identifying and understanding links between impaired biological mechanisms and cancer. They heavily rely on chemical biology to understand molecular interactions that control cellular equilibrium and use synthetic organic chemistry to produce small molecules to monitor and adjust impaired biochemical processes.




  1. Begoyan VV, Weselinski JL, Xia S, Fedie J, Kannan S, Ferrier A, Rao S, Tanasova M. Multicolor GLUT5-permeable fluorescent probes for fructose transport analysis. Chem Commun (Camb). 2018 Apr 12;54(31):3855-3858.
  2. Kannan, S.; Begoyan, V. V.; Fedie, J. R.; Xia, S.; Weselinski, L. J.; Tanasova, M.; Rao, S., Metabolism-Driven High-Throughput Cancer Identification with GLUT5-Specific Molecular Probes. Biosensors (Basel) 2018, 8 (2), e39-e50.