Scientists around the world have chosen to make their reagents available on our platform. We’ve made the process of contributing materials as easy as possible; here’s how it works:
Is there an existing material in your laboratory with the potential to help other scientists? Our providers contribute a variety of research reagents, including:
Antibodies | Plant materials |
Bacteria | Plasmids |
Cell lines/media | Probes |
Compounds/molecules | Proteins/Peptides |
Enzymes | Signaling chemicals |
Frozen embryos | Tissue samples |
Growth factors | Viruses/vectors |
Imaging agents/dyes |
We work with your university’s technology transfer office to establish the necessary license agreements to offer your reagents through our platform.
We’ll ask you to fill out a form describing your reagent, so we can effectively promote the material to the scientific community. Details we ask for include a brief description of the reagent; technical characteristics, such as molecular weight, species reactivity and/or purity; recommended storage and shipping temperatures; and available references and images.
We add your materials to our website. You’ll have the opportunity to review the pages and request any updates.
After your reagents are made available, a Material Transfer Agreement (MTA) is no longer needed; instead, procuring scientists agree to our online license agreement with one simple click. Our marketing team proactively promotes your materials to laboratories worldwide, our technical support and customer service staff handle all selling and shipping logistics, and our in-house lab can assist with reagent production and storage. Finally, every quarter, we return a portion of the proceeds to your lab and institution.
Want to learn more? Interested in contributing your reagents? Contact us at
Or fill below form to submit your request to us: