E. coli Strain ALS1074

Escherichia coli cells cannot metabolize xylose but can accumulate lactic acid from other carbohydrates such as glucose under anaerobic conditions.

From the laboratory of Mark A. Eiteman, PhD, University of Georgia.

The Investigator's Annexe Part of The Investigator's Annexe program.

Catalog Number Product DataSheet Size AVAILABILITY Price Qty
E. coli Strain ALS1074
1 vial Please inquire
Regular Price:$319.00
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Product Type: Bacteria
Name: ALS1074
Cell Type: Bacteria
Organism: Escherichia coli
Strain: ALS1074
Genotype: MG1655 ΔxylA748::(FRT) ΔpflB::Cam
Antibiotic Resistance: Chloramphenicol
Growth Conditions: Lysogeny broth: 10g/L tryptone, 10g/L NaCl, 5g/L yeast extract, pH adjusted to 7.0, aerobic 37C
Format: Lyophilized culture
Storage: Room temperature as lyophilized culture
Shipped: Ambient temperature


Protocol Notes

  1. Inject 1 mL of sterile DI water into vial and gently mix.
  2. Use small portions of vial (liquid) contents to inoculate a sterile, liquid culture to an initial OD of 0.03-0.1. For this liquid culture, use the specified growth medium with or without an antibiotic as appropriate.
  3. When culture has visibly grown in liquid medium, plate on solid (Agar) growth medium and incubate at 37C. Maintain strain.
Strain Phenotype
ALS974 Accumulates lactic acid
ALS929 Accumulates pyruvic acid
ALS1392 Does not metabolize arabinose, glucose nor xylose
ALS1391 Does not metabolize arabinose nor xylose
ALS1371 Does not metabolize arabinose nor glucose
ALS1370 Does not metabolize xylose nor glucose
ALS1074 Does not metabolize xylose but can accumulate lactic acid from glucose
ALS1073 Does metabolize glucose but can accumulate lactic acid from xylose
ALS1060 Does not metabolize xylose nor glucose
ALS1059 Accumulates pyruvic acid
ALS1058 Does not metabolize glucose
ALS1048 Does not metabolize glucose
ALS1038 Does not metabolize xylose
ALS1054 Accumulates pyruvic acid
ALS1122 Does not metabolize xylose nor glucose
From the laboratory of Mark A. Eiteman, PhD, University of Georgia.
  1. Eiteman MA, Lee SA, Altman R, Altman E. A substrate-selective co-fermentation strategy with Escherichia coli produces lactate by simultaneously consuming xylose and glucose. Biotechnol Bioeng. 2009 Feb 15;102(3):822-7.
  2. US Patent Number 8,551,758; PCT Publication number WO2008124162 A2. Pending applications in several jurisdictions – University of Georgia Research Foundation, Inc.

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